Can two different .net programming languages be mixed in a single ASPX file ?

  1. Yes

  2. No

  3. May be

  4. None of the above

Correct Option: B

AI Explanation

To answer this question, let's go through each option to understand why it is correct or incorrect:

Option A) Yes - This option is incorrect because two different .NET programming languages cannot be mixed in a single ASPX file. An ASPX file is a web page file that contains HTML markup and server-side code written in a .NET programming language such as C# or Visual Basic. While you can have multiple programming languages in a single solution or project, each ASPX file should be written in a single programming language.

Option B) No - This option is correct. Two different .NET programming languages cannot be mixed in a single ASPX file. Each ASPX file should be written in a single programming language.

Option C) Maybe - This option is incorrect because the possibility of mixing different .NET programming languages in a single ASPX file is not dependent on any conditional factors. It is simply not allowed.

Option D) None of the above - This option is incorrect because the correct answer is B, as explained above.

The correct answer is B. Two different .NET programming languages cannot be mixed in a single ASPX file. Each ASPX file should be written in a single programming language.

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