SELECT (TO_CHAR(NVL(SQRT(59483), “INVALID”)) FROM DUAL is a valid SQL statement

  1. True

  2. False

Correct Option: B

AI Explanation

To answer this question, let's analyze the given SQL statement:


This SQL statement is not valid. Here's why:

  1. TO_CHAR() function: This function is used to convert a value to a character string. However, in this statement, it is being used on the result of another function or expression, which is missing.

  2. NVL() function: This function is used to replace a null value with a specified value. In this statement, it is being used with the SQRT(59483) expression. However, the SQRT() function is not valid in this context.

  3. SQRT() function: This function is used to calculate the square root of a number. However, in this statement, it is not being used correctly. It should be used with a valid numeric value, but the expression 59483 is not enclosed in single quotes.

  4. "INVALID" string: In this statement, the string "INVALID" is used as a fallback value in case the SQRT() function returns null. However, the use of double quotes instead of single quotes for string literals is not valid in SQL.

Based on these observations, we can conclude that the given SQL statement is not valid (Option B is correct).

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