Which of the following describes relative access speed for z9 major storage types?

  1. Tape is faster than DASD

  2. DASD is faster than cache

  3. Real memory is faster than DASD

  4. Optical storage is faster than cache

Correct Option: C

To solve this question, the user needs to know about the relative access speed for different storage types.

Now, let's go through each option and explain why it is right or wrong:

A. Tape is faster than DASD: This option is incorrect. DASD (Direct Access Storage Device) is faster than tape. Tape is a sequential access storage device, which means that data can only be accessed in a linear sequence, from the beginning to the end of the tape. On the other hand, DASD is a random access storage device, which means that data can be accessed directly and in any order.

B. DASD is faster than cache: This option is incorrect. Cache is faster than DASD. Cache is a type of high-speed memory that is used to store frequently accessed data. It is located between the CPU and the main memory (RAM) and is designed to improve system performance by reducing the number of accesses to slower storage devices such as DASD.

C. Real memory is faster than DASD: This option is correct. Real memory (also known as main memory or RAM) is faster than DASD. Real memory is used by the CPU to store data and instructions that are currently being executed. It is faster than DASD because it can be accessed directly by the CPU without the need for a mechanical arm to move to a specific location.

D. Optical storage is faster than cache: This option is incorrect. Cache is faster than optical storage. Optical storage devices, such as CD-ROMs and DVDs, are slower than cache and are typically used for long-term storage of data that is not frequently accessed.

Therefore, the correct option is:

The Answer is: C. Real memory is faster than DASD.

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