Which of the following statements are true about locating or using the home interface of a session bean?

  1. Once acquired, the home interface can be used only once.

  2. Each instance of a session bean has its own EJBHome object.

  3. The InitialContext must be narrowed before it can be used to get the

  4. Only remote clients need to get the home interface; local clients can get to the

  5. The local client can use the home interface to remove the bean instance.

  6. None of the above.

Correct Option: F

AI Explanation

To answer this question, let's go through each option to understand why it is correct or incorrect:

A. Once acquired, the home interface can be used only once. This statement is incorrect. The home interface of a session bean can be used multiple times to create multiple instances of the session bean.

B. Each instance of a session bean has its own EJBHome object. This statement is incorrect. The EJBHome object is associated with the session bean's home interface, not with individual instances of the session bean.

C. The InitialContext must be narrowed before it can be used to get the home interface. This statement is incorrect. The InitialContext does not need to be narrowed in order to obtain the home interface of a session bean. The home interface can be obtained directly from the InitialContext.

D. Only remote clients need to get the home interface; local clients can get to the session bean directly. This statement is incorrect. Both remote and local clients can obtain the home interface of a session bean. Remote clients use the home interface to create and access remote instances of the session bean, while local clients use the home interface to create and access local instances of the session bean.

E. The local client can use the home interface to remove the bean instance. This statement is incorrect. The home interface does not provide a method for the client to directly remove the session bean instance. The removal of a session bean instance is typically done by invoking a method on the session bean itself.

F. None of the above. This statement is correct. None of the statements A, B, C, D, or E are true about locating or using the home interface of a session bean.

Therefore, the correct answer is F.

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