Which SQL statement inserts data into a table called Projects?

  1. INSERT Projects VALUES ('Content Development', 'Website content development project')

  2. INSERT Projects ('Content Development', 'Website content development project')

  3. INSERT INTO Projects (ProjectName, ProjectDescription) VALUES ('Content Development', 'Website content development project')

  4. SAVE INTO Projects (ProjectName, ProjectDescription) VALUES ('Content Development', 'Website content development project')

Correct Option: C

AI Explanation

To answer this question, we need to understand the syntax of the SQL INSERT statement. The correct statement should have the following format:

INSERT INTO table_name (column1, column2, ...) VALUES (value1, value2, ...);

Let's go through each option to determine the correct statement:

Option A) INSERT Projects VALUES ('Content Development', 'Website content development project') - This option is incorrect because it is missing the "INTO" keyword before the table name.

Option B) INSERT Projects ('Content Development', 'Website content development project') - This option is incorrect because it is missing the "INTO" keyword before the table name, and it does not specify the column names.

Option C) INSERT INTO Projects (ProjectName, ProjectDescription) VALUES ('Content Development', 'Website content development project') - This option is correct. It uses the correct syntax of the INSERT statement, specifying the table name (Projects), column names (ProjectName, ProjectDescription), and the corresponding values.

Option D) SAVE INTO Projects (ProjectName, ProjectDescription) VALUES ('Content Development', 'Website content development project') - This option is incorrect because it uses the incorrect keyword "SAVE" instead of "INSERT INTO".

The correct answer is Option C. This option is correct because it follows the correct syntax of the INSERT statement, specifying the table name (Projects), column names (ProjectName, ProjectDescription), and the corresponding values.

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