Given: class Plane { static String s = "-"; public static void main(String[] args) { new Plane().s1() ; System.out.println(s); } void sl() { try { s2(); catch (Exception e) { s += "c"; } } void s2() throws Exception { s3(); s += "2"; s3(); s += "2b"; } void s3() throws Exception { throw new Exception(); } } What is the result?

  1. -

  2. -c

  3. -c2

  4. -2c

  5. -c22b

  6. -2c2b

Correct Option: B

To solve this question, we need to trace the execution of the code and see how the value of the variable s changes.

Starting with the main method, it creates a new instance of the Plane class and calls its method s1().

In the s1() method, it calls the method sl().

In the sl() method, it calls the method s2(). Since s2() throws an exception, execution of the sl() method is transferred to the catch block. Here, it appends "c" to the value of s.

Control is then transferred back to the s1() method, which then returns to the main method. Finally, the value of s is printed to the console, which is "-c" since the catch block was executed.

Therefore, the answer is: B. -c

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