Which of the following examples correctly defines the macro program Hex?

  1. %macro hex(start=1, stop=10, incr=1); %local i; data null; %do i=&start to &stop by &incr; value=&i; put "Hexadecimal form of &i is " value hex6.; %end; run; %mend hex;

  2. %macro hex(start=1, stop=10, incr=1); %local i; data null; %do i=&start %to &stop %by &incr; value=&i; put "Hexadecimal form of &i is " value hex6.; %end; run; %mend hex;

  3. %macro hex(start=1, stop=10, incr=1); %local i; data null; %do i=&start to &stop by &incr; value=&i; put "Hexadecimal form of &i is " value hex6.; run; %mend hex;

  4. %macro hex(start=1, stop=10, incr=1); %local i; data null; %do i=&start to &stop by &incr; value=&i; put "Hexadeciaml form of &i is " value hex6.; %end run; %mend hex;

Correct Option: B

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