Given the following statement:huey.setDouble(8.0*32.2+1.0);What must be the data type of huey?

  1. DoubleField

  2. TextField

  3. IntField

  4. double

Correct Option: A

AI Explanation

To determine the data type of the variable "huey" in the given statement, let's analyze the expression used as an argument for the "setDouble()" method:

8.0 * 32.2 + 1.0

This expression involves multiplication and addition operations. When performing these operations, the data type of the resulting value depends on the data types of the operands involved.

In this case, both 8.0 and 32.2 are decimal numbers (floating-point numbers) represented using the double data type. The multiplication and addition operations will preserve the double data type.

Therefore, the resulting value of the expression is a double. Since the "setDouble()" method is used, we can conclude that the data type of the variable "huey" must be a DoubleField, which is the data type that can store double values.

So, the correct answer is:

A. DoubleField

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