Which of the following is not an ADRDSSU control statement

  1. DUMP

  2. COPY

  3. MOVE


Correct Option: C

To solve this question, the user needs to be familiar with ADRDSSU (ADRDSSU) utility and its control statements.

Now, let's go through each option:

A. DUMP - This is a valid ADRDSSU control statement. It creates a dump of a dataset to an output dataset.

B. COPY - This is a valid ADRDSSU control statement. It copies a dataset or a group of datasets to another dataset or a group of datasets.

C. MOVE - This is not a valid ADRDSSU control statement. Although MOVE is a valid COBOL verb, it is not a control statement used in ADRDSSU.

D. CONVERTV - This is a valid ADRDSSU control statement. It converts a VSAM dataset to a non-VSAM dataset or vice versa.

Therefore, the answer is:

The Answer is: C

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