Which HTTP method is used to show the client what the server is receiving?

  1. HEAD

  2. GET

  3. POST

  4. TRACE


Correct Option: D

AI Explanation

To answer this question, you need to understand the different HTTP methods and their purposes.

Option A) HEAD - The HEAD method is used to retrieve the headers of a resource without retrieving the actual content. It is often used to check the status or availability of a resource. This method does not show the client what the server is receiving, so it is incorrect.

Option B) GET - The GET method is used to retrieve a resource from the server. It sends a request to the server to retrieve the content of a resource. While it shows the client the response or content from the server, it does not directly show what the server is receiving. Therefore, it is incorrect.

Option C) POST - The POST method is used to submit data to be processed by the server. It is commonly used for submitting forms or sending data to be stored on the server. This method does not show the client what the server is receiving, so it is incorrect.

Option D) TRACE - The TRACE method is used to show the client what the server is receiving. When a client sends a TRACE request to the server, the server echoes back the received request to the client. This allows the client to see what the server received and how it was processed. Therefore, this option is correct.

Option E) RETURN - The RETURN method is not a standard HTTP method. It is not used in HTTP communication, so it is incorrect.

The correct answer is D) TRACE. This option is correct because the TRACE method is specifically designed to show the client what the server is receiving.

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