Which of the following lists exception types from MOST specific to LEAST specific?

  1. Error, Exception

  2. Exception, RunTimeException

  3. Throwable, RunTimeException

  4. ArithmeticException, RunTimeException

Correct Option: D

To solve the question and determine the order of exception types from most specific to least specific, you need to understand the hierarchy of exception classes in Java.

In Java, exceptions are organized in a hierarchical structure. The topmost class in this hierarchy is Throwable, which is the superclass of all exceptions and errors. The Throwable class has two immediate subclasses: Error and Exception.

Error represents serious issues that typically cannot be handled by your program, such as OutOfMemoryError or StackOverflowError. Errors are usually caused by external factors or problems with the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) itself.

Exception is the superclass of all exceptions that can be thrown by a Java program. It further branches into various subclasses, including RuntimeException and its subclasses.

RuntimeException and its subclasses represent exceptions that occur during the execution of the program and are often caused by logical errors or violations of programming conventions. Examples include NullPointerException or ArithmeticException.

Based on this hierarchy, we can determine the order of exception types from most specific to least specific:

  1. Option D: ArithmeticException, RunTimeException

    • ArithmeticException is a specific type of exception that occurs when an arithmetic operation fails, such as dividing by zero.
    • RuntimeException is a more general class that encompasses a broader range of runtime exceptions.
  2. Option C: Throwable, RunTimeException

    • Throwable is the top-level class in the exception hierarchy and is the superclass of all exceptions and errors.
    • RuntimeException is a specific subclass of Exception.
  3. Option B: Exception, RunTimeException

    • Exception is a broader class that encompasses a wide range of exceptions, including runtime and non-runtime exceptions.
    • RuntimeException is a more specific subclass of Exception that represents runtime exceptions.
  4. Option A: Error, Exception

    • Error is a subclass of Throwable and represents serious issues that usually cannot be recovered from.
    • Exception is a superclass that encompasses both runtime and non-runtime exceptions.

Therefore, the correct order of exception types from most specific to least specific is:

D. ArithmeticException, RunTimeException

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