Both class Error and class Exception are children of this parent:

  1. Throwable

  2. Catchable

  3. Runable

  4. Problem

Correct Option: A

To solve this question, the user needs to know the hierarchy of Java exceptions and errors.

Both class Error and class Exception are children of the parent class Throwable. This means that any class that extends Throwable can be used to represent an error or an exception that occurs during the execution of a Java program.

Option A is correct because Throwable is the parent class of both Error and Exception.

Option B is incorrect because there is no class called Catchable in Java.

Option C is incorrect because Runnable is an interface in Java, not a class that represents an error or an exception.

Option D is incorrect because there is no class called Problem in Java that represents an error or an exception.

Therefore, the answer is: A

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