When acquiring Tablespace lock more data is restricted than page level Lock (True or False)

  1. True

  2. False

Correct Option: A

A tablespace lock is the most restrictive type of lock in DB2. It prevents any other process from accessing any data in the tablespace. A page lock only prevents other processes from accessing the specific page that is locked.

Therefore, the statement "When acquiring Tablespace lock more data is restricted than page level Lock" is True.

A tablespace lock restricts access to all of the data in a tablespace, while a page lock only restricts access to a single page. This means that a tablespace lock is more restrictive than a page lock.

For example, if a tablespace contains 100 pages and a process acquires a tablespace lock on the tablespace, then no other process can access any of the data in the tablespace, even if the data is not on the page that is locked. However, if a process acquires a page lock on a single page in the tablespace, then other processes can still access the data on the other 99 pages in the tablespace.

In general, tablespace locks should only be used when it is absolutely necessary to prevent other processes from accessing any data in the tablespace. Page locks should be used whenever possible, as they provide a more granular level of locking and allow other processes to access more data.

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