What is the difference between GUI_UPLOAD and WS_UPLOAD?

  1. WS_UPLOAD - File transfer with dialog from presentation server file to internal table. Data which is available in a file on the presentation server is transferred in an internal table. ASCII & Binary files can be transferred.

  2. GUI_UPLOAD - To read data from the presentation server into an internal table without a user dialog, use the function module WS_UPLOAD. The most important parameters are listed below.

  3. GUI_UPLOAD - File transfer with dialog from presentation server file to internal table. Data which is available in a file on the presentation server is transferred in an internal table. ASCII & Binary files can be transferred.

  4. WS_UPLOAD - To read data from the presentation server into an internal table without a user dialog, use the function module WS_UPLOAD. The most important parameters are listed below.

Correct Option: C,D

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