In general data in Data Warehousing is:

  1. Normalized

  2. Denormalized

  3. none

  4. All of the above

Correct Option: C

AI Explanation

To answer this question, you need to understand the concept of data in Data Warehousing.

Option A) Normalized - Normalization is the process of organizing data in a database to eliminate redundancy and improve data integrity. In a normalized database, data is structured into separate tables with relationships defined between them. However, in data warehousing, normalization is not typically used because it can hinder performance and make querying complex.

Option B) Denormalized - Denormalization is the process of combining normalized tables into fewer tables or even a single table to improve performance and simplify querying. In data warehousing, denormalization is commonly used to optimize query performance and facilitate reporting and analysis.

Option C) None - This option is correct. In general, data in data warehousing is not normalized but is rather denormalized to enhance performance and facilitate analysis.

Option D) All of the above - This option is incorrect because the correct answer is option C, "none." Data in data warehousing is not typically normalized but is denormalized.

The correct answer is C, "none." This option is correct because data in data warehousing is not normalized but is instead denormalized to improve performance and facilitate analysis.

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