void main() { int x=20,y=35; x= y++ + x++; y= ++y + ++x; printf(" %d %d" , x,y); }

  1. x=57 & y=94

  2. x=57,y=55

  3. X = 57 Y= 93

  4. X = 37 Y= 65

Correct Option: A

AI Explanation

To determine the values of x and y after executing the given code, let's go through each line of the code step by step:

  1. int x=20, y=35; - This line initializes the variables x and y with the values 20 and 35, respectively.
  2. x = y++ + x++; - This line assigns the value of y++ + x++ to x.
    • y++ is a post-increment operation, meaning that the value of y is used first and then incremented by 1. So, y++ evaluates to 35, and y becomes 36.
    • Similarly, x++ is a post-increment operation, so x++ evaluates to 20, and x becomes 21.
    • Therefore, x is assigned the value 35 + 20 = 55.
  3. y = ++y + ++x; - This line assigns the value of ++y + ++x to y.
    • ++y is a pre-increment operation, meaning that the value of y is incremented by 1 first and then used. So, ++y evaluates to 37, and y becomes 37.
    • Similarly, ++x is a pre-increment operation, so ++x evaluates to 22, and x becomes 22.
    • Therefore, y is assigned the value 37 + 22 = 59.
  4. printf(" %d %d", x, y); - This line prints the values of x and y.

Therefore, the output of the code will be 55 59.

The correct answer is not listed among the options provided.

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