9 If you run the code below, what gets printed out? String s=new String("Bicycle"); int iBegin=1; char iEnd=3; System.out.println(s.substring(iBegin,iEnd));

  1. a. Bic

  2. b. ic

  3. c. icy

  4. d. error: no method matching substring(int,char)

Correct Option: B

To solve this question, the user needs to understand the concept of substring and character indices.

The given code creates a string object s with value "Bicycle". The variables iBegin and iEnd have been assigned the values 1 and 3, respectively. The substring method is then called on the string object s with two arguments: iBegin and iEnd. The substring method extracts a portion of the string starting at the index specified by iBegin and ending at the index specified by iEnd-1.

Option A is incorrect because the substring method with arguments (1,3) extracts the portion of the string starting at index 1 and ending at index 2. Thus, the output is "Bi".

Option B is correct because the substring method with arguments (1,3) extracts the portion of the string starting at index 1 and ending at index 2. Thus, the output is "ic".

Option C is incorrect because the substring method with arguments (1,3) extracts the portion of the string starting at index 1 and ending at index 2. Thus, the output is "ic", not "icy".

Option D is incorrect because the syntax of the substring method is correct, and there is a matching method signature that takes an int and a char.

Therefore, the answer is:

The Answer is: B. ic

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