Which of the following java.util classes support Internationalization?

  1. a)Locale

  2. b)ResourceBundle

  3. c)Country

  4. d)Language

Correct Option: A,B

AI Explanation

To answer this question, we need to understand the concept of Internationalization in Java and the classes that support it.

Internationalization in Java refers to the process of designing and implementing software that can be adapted for different languages and regions without making any changes to the core code. It allows for the localization of applications by providing support for different languages, date and time formats, number formats, and other cultural conventions.

The java.util package in Java provides several classes that support Internationalization. Let's go through each option to understand which classes support Internationalization:

Option A) Locale - This option is correct because the Locale class in the java.util package provides a way to represent a specific geographical, political, or cultural region. It allows for the localization of applications by providing information about the language, country, and variant preferences. The Locale class is used in conjunction with other Internationalization classes to provide localized resources.

Option B) ResourceBundle - This option is correct because the ResourceBundle class in the java.util package provides a way to manage localized resources. It allows for the retrieval of locale-specific objects from localized resource files. ResourceBundle is used to load and access localized messages, labels, and other resources that are specific to a particular locale.

Option C) Country - This option is incorrect because there is no specific class named "Country" in the java.util package that supports Internationalization.

Option D) Language - This option is incorrect because there is no specific class named "Language" in the java.util package that supports Internationalization.

The correct answers are A) Locale and B) ResourceBundle. These classes are used in conjunction with other Internationalization classes to provide support for different languages, regions, and localized resources.

Therefore, the correct answer is A,B.

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