How can you execute a stored procedure in the database?

  1. O (a) Call method execute() on a CallableStatement object

  2. O (b) Call method executeProcedure() on a Statement object

  3. O (c) Call method execute() on a StoredProcedure object

  4. O (d) Call method run() on a ProcedureCommand object

Correct Option: A

The correct answer is A. You can execute a stored procedure in the database by calling the execute() method on a CallableStatement object.


A stored procedure is a precompiled set of SQL statements that are stored in the database. To execute a stored procedure, you need to create a CallableStatement object, which allows you to call the stored procedure.

Here's an example of how to execute a stored procedure using Java and JDBC:

// Assuming you have already established a database connection
CallableStatement cstmt = conn.prepareCall("{call your_stored_procedure(?, ?)}");

// Set any input parameters for the stored procedure, if needed
cstmt.setString(1, "input_parameter1");
cstmt.setInt(2, 2);

// Execute the stored procedure

In the code above, your_stored_procedure is the name of the stored procedure you want to execute. The ? placeholders are used for any input parameters the stored procedure may require. You can set the input parameters using the setXxx() methods on the CallableStatement object.

Lastly, you call the execute() method on the CallableStatement object to execute the stored procedure.

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