Examine this code: CREATE OR REPLACE PRODECURE add_dept (p_dept_name VARCHAR2 DEFAULT 'placeholder', p_location VARCHAR2 DEFAULT 'Boston') IS BEGIN INSERT INTO departments VALUES (dept_id_seq.NEXTVAL, p_dept_name, p_location); END add_dept; / Which three are valid calls to the add_dep procedure ? (Choose three)

  1. a) add_dept;

  2. b) add_dept( .Accounting .);

  3. c) add_dept(, .New York .);

  4. d) add_dept(p_location=> .New York .);

Correct Option: A,B,D

AI Explanation

To answer this question, let's go through each option to understand why it is correct or incorrect:

Option A) add_dept; - This option is a valid call to the add_dept procedure. It does not provide any arguments, so the procedure will use the default values for p_dept_name and p_location.

Option B) add_dept( .Accounting .); - This option is a valid call to the add_dept procedure. It provides the argument p_dept_name with the value "Accounting" and uses the default value for p_location.

Option C) add_dept(, .New York .); - This option is an invalid call to the add_dept procedure. It is missing the p_dept_name argument and includes an extra comma. The correct syntax should be add_dept('New York').

Option D) add_dept(p_location=> .New York .); - This option is a valid call to the add_dept procedure. It provides the argument p_location with the value "New York" and uses the default value for p_dept_name.

Therefore, the three valid calls to the add_dept procedure are:

A) add_dept; B) add_dept('Accounting'); D) add_dept(p_location=>'New York');

The correct answer is options A, B, and D.

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