A DD statement has 2 types of parameters. Name them ?

  1. Positional, Keyword

  2. Keyword, Control

  3. Dynamic, Static

  4. Named, Dynamic

Correct Option: A

AI Explanation

To answer this question, we need to understand the concept of DD statements.

DD statements, or Data Definition statements, are used in mainframe systems to define and describe datasets. These statements are used in JCL (Job Control Language) to specify the attributes and characteristics of datasets, such as the dataset name, organization, record format, and access method.

DD statements consist of two types of parameters:

  1. Positional parameters: These parameters are specified by their position in the statement. The order of the parameters is important, and they must be specified in a specific sequence. For example, the dataset name and the dataset disposition are typically specified as positional parameters.

  2. Keyword parameters: These parameters are specified by their keyword and a corresponding value. The order of the keyword parameters is not important, and they can be specified in any order. Keyword parameters provide additional information about the dataset, such as the record format, block size, and data management options.

Therefore, the correct answer is:

A. Positional, Keyword

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