What is the function of the STEPLIB DD statement?

  1. Identify a library to be searched for programs named in the EXEC statement

  2. Identify a library containing executable job steps

  3. Override the system step library within a job stream

  4. All of the above

Correct Option: D

AI Explanation

To answer this question, you need to understand the purpose of the STEPLIB DD statement in JCL (Job Control Language).

Option A) Identify a library to be searched for programs named in the EXEC statement - This option is correct. The STEPLIB DD statement is used to specify a library or libraries that are to be searched for programs named in the EXEC statement. This allows the system to locate and execute the required program.

Option B) Identify a library containing executable job steps - This option is incorrect. The STEPLIB DD statement is not used to identify a library containing executable job steps. It is used specifically for programs named in the EXEC statement.

Option C) Override the system step library within a job stream - This option is incorrect. The STEPLIB DD statement does not override the system step library within a job stream. It is used to specify additional libraries to be searched for programs.

Option D) All of the above - This option is correct. The STEPLIB DD statement serves all the mentioned functions. It identifies a library to be searched for programs named in the EXEC statement, specifies additional libraries containing executable programs, and can override the system step library within a job stream.

The correct answer is D) All of the above. This option is correct because the STEPLIB DD statement can perform all the mentioned functions.

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