H&M offers textile interior decoration via

  1. H&M Interior

  2. H&M Textile

  3. H&M Home

  4. H&M Home Decoration

Correct Option: C

To answer this question, the user needs to know about H&M's product offerings. Specifically, the user needs to understand the different categories of products that H&M offers for interior decoration.

Option A, "H&M Interior," is not a correct option because H&M does not offer a product category with this name.

Option B, "H&M Textile," is a plausible option because H&M offers a range of textile products for home decoration, including curtains, rugs, and bedding. However, this option is not the correct answer to the question.

Option C, "H&M Home," is a correct option because H&M offers a product category with this name that includes a range of products for interior decoration, including home textiles, furniture, and decor items.

Option D, "H&M Home Decoration," is not a correct option because H&M does not offer a product category with this exact name.

Therefore, the answer is: C. H&M Home.

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