JavaScript Web Workers

Understand the concept of web workers in JavaScript and their usage.

JavaScript Web Workers Interview with follow-up questions

Interview Question Index

Question 1: What is a Web Worker in JavaScript?


A Web Worker is a JavaScript script that runs in the background, separate from the main browser thread. It allows for parallel execution of code, which can improve the performance of web applications by offloading heavy tasks to the worker thread.

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Follow up 1: What are the types of Web Workers?


There are two types of Web Workers:

  1. Dedicated Web Workers: These workers are created using the Worker constructor and are dedicated to a single script file. They can communicate with the main thread using the postMessage method.

  2. Shared Web Workers: These workers are created using the SharedWorker constructor and can be shared between multiple script files or windows. They can communicate with the main thread and other workers using the postMessage method.

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Follow up 2: Can you explain how a Web Worker communicates with the main thread?


A Web Worker communicates with the main thread using the postMessage method. The worker can send messages to the main thread by calling postMessage and passing the message as an argument. Similarly, the main thread can receive messages from the worker by listening for the message event and accessing the message data from the event object. This allows for bi-directional communication between the worker and the main thread.

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Follow up 3: What are the limitations of Web Workers?


Web Workers have the following limitations:

  1. Web Workers cannot directly access the DOM or manipulate the UI. They are restricted to perform tasks in the background.

  2. Web Workers cannot access the window object or the global scope of the main thread.

  3. Web Workers cannot use some JavaScript APIs that are specific to the main thread, such as alert, confirm, and prompt.

  4. Web Workers have limited support for synchronous operations, as they are primarily designed for asynchronous tasks.

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Follow up 4: Why would you use a Web Worker instead of a regular JavaScript function?


You would use a Web Worker instead of a regular JavaScript function in the following scenarios:

  1. When you have computationally intensive tasks that can be offloaded to a separate thread, allowing the main thread to remain responsive.

  2. When you want to perform tasks in the background without blocking the UI, such as processing large amounts of data or performing complex calculations.

  3. When you want to improve the overall performance and responsiveness of your web application by utilizing parallel execution.

  4. When you want to separate the execution of code from the main thread to enhance code organization and maintainability.

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Question 2: How do you create a Web Worker?


To create a Web Worker, you can use the Worker constructor in JavaScript. The Worker constructor takes the URL of a JavaScript file that will be executed in the Web Worker. Here is an example:

const worker = new Worker('worker.js');
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Follow up 1: Can you show an example of creating a Web Worker?


Sure! Here is an example of creating a Web Worker:

// main.js
const worker = new Worker('worker.js');

worker.onmessage = function(event) {
  console.log('Message received from Web Worker:',;

worker.postMessage('Hello from main thread!');

// worker.js
self.onmessage = function(event) {
  console.log('Message received in Web Worker:',;
  self.postMessage('Hello from Web Worker!');
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Follow up 2: What is the role of the 'postMessage' method in Web Workers?


The postMessage method is used to send messages from the main thread to a Web Worker, or from a Web Worker back to the main thread. It takes a single argument, which can be any serializable data. Here is an example of using the postMessage method:

// main.js
const worker = new Worker('worker.js');

worker.onmessage = function(event) {
  console.log('Message received from Web Worker:',;

worker.postMessage('Hello from main thread!');

// worker.js
self.onmessage = function(event) {
  console.log('Message received in Web Worker:',;
  self.postMessage('Hello from Web Worker!');
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Follow up 3: What happens if the specified JavaScript file in the Web Worker constructor does not exist?


If the specified JavaScript file in the Web Worker constructor does not exist, an error will be thrown and the Web Worker will fail to initialize. Make sure to double-check the file path and ensure that the file exists at the specified location.

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Question 3: What is the purpose of the 'onmessage' event handler in the context of Web Workers?


The 'onmessage' event handler is used in Web Workers to receive messages from the main thread. It allows the Web Worker to listen for incoming messages and perform actions based on the received data.

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Follow up 1: Can you show an example of using the 'onmessage' event handler?


Sure! Here's an example of using the 'onmessage' event handler in a Web Worker:

// In the main thread
const worker = new Worker('worker.js');

worker.onmessage = function(event) {
  console.log('Received message from Web Worker:',;

worker.postMessage('Hello from main thread!');

// In the Web Worker (worker.js)
onmessage = function(event) {
  console.log('Received message from main thread:',;
  // Perform actions based on the received data

In this example, the main thread creates a new Web Worker and assigns a function to the 'onmessage' event handler. When the Web Worker receives a message from the main thread, it logs the received data and performs actions based on it.

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Follow up 2: What type of data can be sent to a Web Worker using the 'postMessage' method?


The 'postMessage' method in Web Workers can send various types of data, including:

  • Primitives: strings, numbers, booleans
  • Objects: plain objects, arrays, typed arrays, JSON objects
  • Transferable objects: ArrayBuffer, MessagePort

It's important to note that objects and arrays are serialized and deserialized when sent between the main thread and the Web Worker, so any functions or non-serializable properties will be lost in the process.

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Follow up 3: How does the 'onmessage' event handler receive data from the main thread?


The 'onmessage' event handler in a Web Worker receives data from the main thread through the 'event' parameter. The received data can be accessed using the '' property. The '' property contains the message sent by the main thread, which can be of any type supported by the 'postMessage' method. The Web Worker can then perform actions based on the received data.

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Question 4: How do you terminate a Web Worker?


To terminate a Web Worker, you can use the terminate() method. This method is called on the Web Worker instance and it stops the worker's execution.

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Follow up 1: Can you show an example of terminating a Web Worker?


Sure! Here's an example of terminating a Web Worker:

// Create a new Web Worker
const worker = new Worker('worker.js');

// Terminate the Web Worker
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Follow up 2: What happens to the Web Worker's execution context when it is terminated?


When a Web Worker is terminated, its execution context is destroyed. This means that any ongoing tasks or code execution within the worker will be stopped immediately. Any resources held by the worker, such as memory or network connections, will also be released.

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Follow up 3: Can a terminated Web Worker be restarted?


No, a terminated Web Worker cannot be restarted. Once a Web Worker is terminated, it cannot be used again. If you need to perform additional work, you will need to create a new Web Worker instance.

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Question 5: Can Web Workers share data with each other directly?


No, Web Workers cannot share data with each other directly. Each Web Worker runs in its own isolated thread and has its own memory space. This means that variables and data cannot be shared between Web Workers by default.

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Follow up 1: If not, how can data be shared between Web Workers?


Data can be shared between Web Workers using the postMessage() method. This method allows Web Workers to send messages to each other, including data. The data can be any serializable object, such as a string, number, array, or object. The receiving Web Worker can then access the data from the event object in its onmessage event handler.

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Follow up 2: What are the implications of the fact that Web Workers do not share data directly?


The fact that Web Workers do not share data directly has several implications. First, it means that each Web Worker can operate independently and in parallel, without interfering with each other's data. This can improve performance and responsiveness in web applications. However, it also means that data needs to be explicitly shared between Web Workers using the postMessage() method, which adds some complexity to the code. Additionally, since Web Workers do not share the same memory space, they cannot directly access each other's variables or functions.

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Follow up 3: Can Web Workers access the DOM?


No, Web Workers cannot directly access the DOM. The DOM (Document Object Model) is the programming interface for HTML and XML documents, and it is typically accessed and manipulated by JavaScript running in the main thread. Web Workers, on the other hand, run in separate threads and do not have access to the DOM. This is because direct access to the DOM from multiple threads could lead to synchronization issues and potential conflicts. However, Web Workers can communicate with the main thread using the postMessage() method, and the main thread can then access and manipulate the DOM based on the messages received from the Web Workers.

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