
Learning about synchronization in Java multithreading.

Synchronization Interview with follow-up questions

Interview Question Index

Question 1: What is synchronization in the context of Java multithreading?


Synchronization in the context of Java multithreading refers to the mechanism of controlling the access to shared resources or critical sections of code by multiple threads. It ensures that only one thread can execute a synchronized block of code or method at a time, preventing thread interference and maintaining data consistency.

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Follow up 1: Can you explain how synchronization can help in handling thread interference?


Thread interference occurs when two or more threads access shared data simultaneously, resulting in unpredictable and incorrect behavior. Synchronization can help in handling thread interference by allowing only one thread to access the shared data at a time. By using synchronization, we can ensure that the shared data is accessed in a mutually exclusive manner, preventing race conditions and maintaining data integrity.

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Follow up 2: What are the different ways to achieve synchronization in Java?


There are multiple ways to achieve synchronization in Java:

  1. Synchronized methods: By using the synchronized keyword before a method declaration, we can make the method synchronized. Only one thread can execute the synchronized method at a time.

  2. Synchronized blocks: By using the synchronized keyword before a block of code, we can make the block synchronized. Only one thread can execute the synchronized block at a time.

  3. Locks and conditions: Java provides the Lock interface and its implementations, such as ReentrantLock, which can be used to achieve synchronization. Locks provide more flexibility and features compared to synchronized methods and blocks.

  4. Atomic classes: Java provides atomic classes, such as AtomicInteger and AtomicBoolean, which can be used to perform atomic operations without the need for explicit synchronization.

The choice of synchronization mechanism depends on the specific requirements of the application.

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Follow up 3: What is the role of synchronized keyword in Java?


The synchronized keyword in Java is used to achieve synchronization. It can be applied to methods or blocks of code. When applied to a method, the entire method becomes synchronized, and only one thread can execute the method at a time. When applied to a block of code, only the block of code is synchronized, allowing more fine-grained control over synchronization. The synchronized keyword ensures that only one thread can access the synchronized code at a time, preventing thread interference and maintaining data consistency.

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Follow up 4: Can you give an example where synchronization is necessary?


Synchronization is necessary in situations where multiple threads access shared resources or critical sections of code. For example, consider a scenario where multiple threads are updating a shared counter variable. Without synchronization, race conditions can occur, leading to incorrect results. By using synchronization, we can ensure that only one thread can access the counter variable at a time, preventing race conditions and maintaining the correctness of the counter.

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Question 2: How does the 'synchronized' keyword work in Java?


The 'synchronized' keyword in Java is used to create mutually exclusive sections of code, also known as critical sections. When a method or a block of code is declared as synchronized, only one thread can execute that method or block at a time. This ensures that multiple threads do not interfere with each other while accessing shared resources or modifying shared data. When a thread encounters a synchronized method or block, it acquires the lock associated with the object or class on which the method or block is synchronized, and releases the lock when it completes execution.

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Follow up 1: What happens if a thread encounters a synchronized method?


When a thread encounters a synchronized method, it tries to acquire the lock associated with the object on which the method is defined. If the lock is available, the thread acquires the lock and proceeds with the execution of the method. If the lock is already held by another thread, the thread enters a blocked state and waits until the lock becomes available. Once the lock is acquired, the thread executes the synchronized method and releases the lock when it completes execution.

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Follow up 2: Can you explain the concept of a monitor lock or mutex?


In Java, a monitor lock, also known as a mutex (short for mutual exclusion), is used to provide synchronization and ensure that only one thread can execute a synchronized method or block at a time. When a thread encounters a synchronized method or block, it tries to acquire the monitor lock associated with the object or class on which the method or block is synchronized. If the lock is available, the thread acquires the lock and proceeds with the execution. If the lock is already held by another thread, the thread enters a blocked state and waits until the lock becomes available. Once the lock is acquired, the thread executes the synchronized method or block and releases the lock when it completes execution.

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Follow up 3: What is the scope of synchronized blocks?


In Java, synchronized blocks are used to create mutually exclusive sections of code within a method or a block. The scope of a synchronized block is determined by the object or class on which it is synchronized. When a thread encounters a synchronized block, it tries to acquire the lock associated with the specified object or class. If the lock is available, the thread acquires the lock and proceeds with the execution of the synchronized block. If the lock is already held by another thread, the thread enters a blocked state and waits until the lock becomes available. Once the lock is acquired, the thread executes the synchronized block and releases the lock when it completes execution.

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Follow up 4: Can we use synchronized keyword with variables?


No, the synchronized keyword cannot be used with variables in Java. It can only be used with methods or blocks of code. The purpose of using synchronized keyword is to provide mutual exclusion and ensure thread safety while accessing shared resources or modifying shared data. To synchronize access to variables, you can use other synchronization mechanisms such as locks or atomic variables.

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Question 3: What is the difference between synchronized method and synchronized block in Java?


In Java, both synchronized methods and synchronized blocks are used to achieve thread safety by allowing only one thread to access a shared resource at a time.

The main difference between synchronized methods and synchronized blocks is the scope of the lock. When a synchronized method is called, the lock is acquired on the entire object instance. This means that no other synchronized method can be called on the same object instance by any other thread until the lock is released.

On the other hand, a synchronized block allows the developer to specify the scope of the lock by providing an object reference. Only one thread can enter the synchronized block for a given object reference, while other threads can still access other synchronized blocks or synchronized methods of the same object instance.

It is important to note that synchronized methods and synchronized blocks both acquire an intrinsic lock, also known as a monitor lock, on the object instance.

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Follow up 1: Can you explain with an example?


Sure! Here's an example to illustrate the difference between synchronized methods and synchronized blocks:

public class SynchronizedExample {
    private int count = 0;
    private Object lock = new Object();

    public synchronized void synchronizedMethod() {
        // Code that requires synchronization

    public void synchronizedBlock() {
        synchronized (lock) {
            // Code that requires synchronization

In this example, the synchronizedMethod is a synchronized method that acquires the lock on the entire SynchronizedExample object instance. This means that only one thread can execute the synchronizedMethod at a time.

On the other hand, the synchronizedBlock is a synchronized block that acquires the lock on the lock object reference. This means that only one thread can enter the synchronizedBlock for a given SynchronizedExample object instance, while other threads can still access other synchronized blocks or synchronized methods of the same object instance.

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Follow up 2: In what scenarios would you use a synchronized block instead of a synchronized method?


There are a few scenarios where using a synchronized block might be preferred over using a synchronized method:

  1. Fine-grained locking: If you only need to synchronize a small portion of a method or a code block, using a synchronized block allows you to limit the scope of the lock to only that portion. This can help improve performance by reducing contention and allowing other threads to access non-synchronized parts of the code.

  2. Synchronizing on different objects: If you need to synchronize different parts of a class on different objects, using synchronized blocks allows you to specify different object references for each block. This can be useful in scenarios where different parts of the class have different synchronization requirements.

  3. Avoiding deadlock: In some cases, using synchronized blocks with careful ordering of locks can help avoid deadlock situations. By acquiring and releasing locks in a specific order, you can prevent threads from getting stuck in a deadlock where they are waiting for each other's locks.

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Follow up 3: What is the impact on performance in both cases?


The impact on performance of using synchronized methods and synchronized blocks can vary depending on the specific scenario.

In general, synchronized methods tend to have a higher overhead compared to synchronized blocks. This is because synchronized methods acquire and release the lock on the entire object instance, which can potentially block other threads from accessing any synchronized method of the same object instance.

On the other hand, synchronized blocks allow for more fine-grained locking and can potentially reduce contention and improve performance. By limiting the scope of the lock to a specific code block, other threads can still access non-synchronized parts of the code, reducing the chances of contention and improving concurrency.

However, it is important to note that the impact on performance can also depend on factors such as the number of threads, the complexity of the synchronized code, and the specific hardware and JVM implementation. It is recommended to measure and profile the application to determine the actual impact on performance.

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Question 4: What is the role of 'volatile' keyword in the context of synchronization?


The 'volatile' keyword in Java is used to indicate that a variable may be modified by multiple threads. It ensures that any read or write operation on the variable is atomic, meaning that it is indivisible and cannot be interrupted by other threads. When a variable is declared as volatile, the compiler and the JVM are instructed to always read its value from the main memory and not from the thread's cache. This ensures that all threads see the most up-to-date value of the variable.

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Follow up 1: How does volatile differ from synchronized?


While both 'volatile' and 'synchronized' are used for synchronization in Java, they have different purposes and behaviors:

  • 'volatile' is used to ensure the visibility of variables across multiple threads. It guarantees that any read or write operation on a volatile variable is atomic and that the variable's value is always read from the main memory. However, 'volatile' does not provide mutual exclusion, meaning that it does not prevent multiple threads from accessing and modifying the variable simultaneously.

  • 'synchronized' is used to provide mutual exclusion and ensure both atomicity and visibility of variables. It guarantees that only one thread can execute a synchronized block or method at a time, preventing concurrent access and modification of shared data. In addition, 'synchronized' also ensures that changes made by one thread are visible to other threads.

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Follow up 2: Can you give an example of using volatile?


Sure! Here's an example of using the 'volatile' keyword:

public class SharedCounter {
    private volatile int count = 0;

    public void increment() {

    public int getCount() {
        return count;

In this example, the 'count' variable is declared as volatile. This ensures that any changes made to the 'count' variable by one thread are immediately visible to other threads. Without the 'volatile' keyword, different threads may have their own cached copies of the 'count' variable, leading to inconsistencies in the value of 'count'.

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Follow up 3: When should we use volatile instead of synchronized?


You should use 'volatile' instead of 'synchronized' when:

  • You only need to ensure the visibility of a variable across multiple threads, but not mutual exclusion. If you have a variable that is frequently read by multiple threads but rarely modified, using 'volatile' can provide better performance compared to using 'synchronized'.

  • You are working with a boolean flag or a single variable that is updated by one thread and read by multiple threads. In such cases, using 'volatile' can be more efficient than using 'synchronized'.

However, if you need to ensure mutual exclusion and atomicity of operations, or if you are working with multiple variables that need to be updated atomically, 'synchronized' is the appropriate choice.

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Question 5: What are the disadvantages of synchronization?


There are several disadvantages of synchronization in multi-threaded programming:

  1. Thread contention: Synchronization can lead to thread contention, where multiple threads are competing for the same lock or resource, resulting in reduced performance.
  2. Deadlock: Synchronization can also lead to deadlock, where two or more threads are blocked indefinitely, waiting for each other to release locks or resources.
  3. Reduced scalability: Synchronization can limit the scalability of an application, as it introduces a bottleneck by allowing only one thread to access a critical section at a time.
  4. Increased complexity: Synchronization introduces additional complexity to the code, making it harder to reason about and debug.
  5. Potential for performance degradation: Synchronization can introduce overhead due to acquiring and releasing locks, which can impact the overall performance of the application.
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Follow up 1: Can you explain how synchronization can lead to thread contention?


Synchronization can lead to thread contention when multiple threads are competing for the same lock or resource. When a thread encounters a synchronized block or method, it needs to acquire the associated lock before entering the critical section. If another thread already holds the lock, the waiting thread is blocked and put into a waiting state until the lock is released. This waiting and blocking of threads can lead to thread contention, where multiple threads are waiting for the same lock, resulting in reduced performance.

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Follow up 2: What is deadlock and how can it occur due to synchronization?


Deadlock is a situation where two or more threads are blocked indefinitely, waiting for each other to release locks or resources. Deadlock can occur due to synchronization when multiple threads acquire locks in different orders and then wait for each other to release the locks. This can create a circular dependency, where each thread is waiting for a lock that is held by another thread in the cycle. As a result, none of the threads can make progress and the application becomes stuck in a deadlock state.

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Follow up 3: How can we prevent deadlock situation?


There are several techniques to prevent deadlock situations:

  1. Lock ordering: Ensure that threads always acquire locks in a consistent and predefined order to avoid circular dependencies.
  2. Lock timeout: Use lock timeouts to prevent threads from waiting indefinitely. If a thread cannot acquire a lock within a certain time period, it can release the lock and try again later.
  3. Resource allocation graph: Analyze the resource allocation graph to identify potential circular dependencies and restructure the code to avoid them.
  4. Avoidance of nested locks: Avoid acquiring multiple locks within a single thread to reduce the chances of deadlock.
  5. Deadlock detection and recovery: Implement deadlock detection algorithms to identify and recover from deadlock situations.
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Follow up 4: What is the impact of synchronization on performance?


Synchronization can have both positive and negative impacts on performance:

  1. Positive impact: Synchronization ensures thread safety and prevents data races, which can lead to incorrect results or unpredictable behavior. It allows multiple threads to safely access shared resources without causing data corruption.
  2. Negative impact: Synchronization introduces overhead due to acquiring and releasing locks. This overhead can reduce the overall performance of the application, especially in scenarios with high contention for locks. Additionally, synchronization can limit the scalability of an application by introducing a bottleneck, as only one thread can access a critical section at a time.
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