Sprint Planning

Covers the process of planning for a sprint.

Sprint Planning Interview with follow-up questions

Interview Question Index

Question 1: Can you explain the purpose and process of Sprint Planning in Scrum?


Sprint Planning is a key event in Scrum where the Scrum Team plans the work to be done in the upcoming Sprint. The purpose of Sprint Planning is to define a Sprint Goal and select the Product Backlog items that will be worked on during the Sprint. The process of Sprint Planning typically involves the following steps:

  1. Product Owner presents the highest priority Product Backlog items and clarifies the requirements.
  2. The Scrum Team discusses the items and asks questions to gain a clear understanding.
  3. The Scrum Team collaboratively estimates the effort required for each item.
  4. The Scrum Team determines how many items can be taken into the Sprint based on their capacity and velocity.
  5. The Scrum Team creates a Sprint Backlog, which is a list of tasks required to complete the selected Product Backlog items.
  6. The Scrum Team sets a Sprint Goal, which is a short statement describing the desired outcome of the Sprint.
  7. The Sprint Planning meeting concludes with a commitment to the Sprint Goal and selected Product Backlog items.
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Follow up 1: How do you ensure that all team members are involved in the planning process?


To ensure that all team members are involved in the planning process, it is important to foster a collaborative and inclusive environment. Here are some strategies to achieve this:

  1. Encourage active participation: Create a safe space where team members feel comfortable expressing their ideas and opinions. Encourage everyone to actively contribute to the discussion.
  2. Facilitate effective communication: Ensure that everyone has an opportunity to speak and be heard. Use techniques like round-robin or go-around to give each team member an equal chance to share their thoughts.
  3. Emphasize the importance of diverse perspectives: Highlight the value of different viewpoints and encourage team members to consider alternative approaches.
  4. Assign roles and responsibilities: Clearly define the roles and responsibilities of each team member during the planning process to ensure that everyone has a specific contribution to make.
  5. Conduct regular check-ins: Throughout the planning process, periodically check in with individual team members to ensure they are engaged and have the opportunity to provide input.
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Follow up 2: What strategies do you use to estimate the effort required for tasks during Sprint Planning?


There are several strategies that can be used to estimate the effort required for tasks during Sprint Planning. Some common strategies include:

  1. Story Points: Use a relative sizing technique like Story Points to estimate the effort required for each task. Assign a numerical value to each task based on its complexity, risk, and effort required.


Task 1 - 3 Story Points
Task 2 - 5 Story Points
Task 3 - 2 Story Points
  1. Planning Poker: Use the Planning Poker technique, where each team member independently estimates the effort required for a task and then shares their estimate. This encourages discussion and alignment among team members.


Task 1 - 3
Task 2 - 5
Task 3 - 2
  1. T-Shirt Sizes: Use T-Shirt sizes (e.g., S, M, L, XL) to represent the effort required for each task. This provides a quick and easy way to estimate without getting into detailed numerical values.


Task 1 - M
Task 2 - L
Task 3 - S

The choice of estimation strategy may vary depending on the team's preferences and the nature of the tasks being estimated.

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Follow up 3: How do you handle disagreements or conflicts that arise during Sprint Planning?


Disagreements or conflicts can arise during Sprint Planning when team members have different opinions or perspectives. Here are some strategies for handling such situations:

  1. Foster open communication: Encourage team members to express their concerns or disagreements openly and respectfully. Create a safe space where everyone feels comfortable sharing their thoughts.
  2. Listen actively: Pay attention to each team member's viewpoint and actively listen to understand their perspective. Show empathy and try to see the situation from their point of view.
  3. Facilitate discussion: Encourage a healthy discussion among team members to explore different options and find common ground. Use techniques like brainstorming or consensus building to reach a shared understanding.
  4. Involve the Scrum Master or Agile Coach: If conflicts persist or escalate, involve the Scrum Master or Agile Coach to facilitate the resolution process. They can provide guidance and help the team find a mutually agreeable solution.
  5. Focus on the Sprint Goal: Remind the team of the Sprint Goal and the bigger picture. Encourage them to prioritize the collective success of the Sprint over individual preferences.
  6. Emphasize the value of collaboration: Reinforce the importance of collaboration and teamwork. Remind team members that their collective effort is crucial for achieving the Sprint Goal and delivering value to the stakeholders.
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Question 2: What role does the Scrum Master play in Sprint Planning?


The Scrum Master plays a crucial role in Sprint Planning. They facilitate the meeting and ensure that the team understands the purpose and goals of the sprint. They help the Product Owner in creating a prioritized Product Backlog and work with the team to determine how much work can be done in the upcoming sprint. They also ensure that the team has a clear understanding of the user stories and acceptance criteria.

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Follow up 1: How does the Scrum Master facilitate communication during Sprint Planning?


The Scrum Master facilitates communication during Sprint Planning by creating a collaborative environment where all team members can actively participate. They encourage open and transparent communication among team members, ensuring that everyone has an opportunity to express their opinions and concerns. They also help in resolving any conflicts or misunderstandings that may arise during the planning process.

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Follow up 2: What steps does the Scrum Master take to ensure that the team understands the goals of the sprint?


To ensure that the team understands the goals of the sprint, the Scrum Master takes the following steps:

  1. They work closely with the Product Owner to define and communicate the sprint goals.
  2. They facilitate discussions and clarify any doubts or questions the team may have regarding the goals.
  3. They encourage the team to ask for clarification and provide feedback on the goals.
  4. They ensure that the goals are clearly documented and visible to the entire team throughout the sprint.
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Follow up 3: Can you share an example of a challenge you faced as a Scrum Master during Sprint Planning and how you resolved it?


As a Scrum Master, I once faced a challenge during Sprint Planning when the team had difficulty estimating the effort required for a complex user story. To resolve this, I facilitated a discussion among the team members to break down the user story into smaller, more manageable tasks. We then collectively estimated the effort required for each task, which helped us arrive at a more accurate estimate for the user story as a whole. This approach not only improved the team's understanding of the user story but also increased their confidence in the estimation process.

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Question 3: How do you ensure that the Sprint Planning meeting is effective and productive?


To ensure that the Sprint Planning meeting is effective and productive, there are several key steps that can be taken:

  1. Preparation: Before the meeting, the Scrum Master should ensure that the Product Backlog is up to date and prioritized. The team members should also be familiar with the user stories or backlog items that will be discussed during the meeting.

  2. Timeboxing: The meeting should have a predefined timebox to keep it focused and prevent it from dragging on. The Scrum Master should enforce the timebox and ensure that all necessary discussions and decisions are made within the allocated time.

  3. Clear Goals: The meeting should have clear goals and objectives. The team should have a shared understanding of what needs to be achieved during the meeting, such as selecting the user stories for the sprint or estimating the effort required.

  4. Facilitation: The Scrum Master should facilitate the meeting and ensure that everyone has an opportunity to contribute. They should encourage open and collaborative discussions, and manage any conflicts or disagreements that may arise.

  5. Documentation: The outcomes of the meeting, such as the selected user stories and the sprint backlog, should be documented and shared with the team. This helps to ensure that everyone is on the same page and has a clear understanding of the work that needs to be done.

By following these steps, the Sprint Planning meeting can be made more effective and productive.

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Follow up 1: What tools or techniques do you use to keep the meeting focused and on track?


There are several tools and techniques that can be used to keep the Sprint Planning meeting focused and on track:

  1. Agenda: Having a predefined agenda for the meeting helps to keep the discussion focused and ensures that all necessary topics are covered.

  2. Timeboxing: Setting a timebox for each agenda item or discussion helps to prevent the meeting from running over time and keeps the team focused on the most important topics.

  3. Parking Lot: If any off-topic discussions or issues arise during the meeting, they can be noted in a 'parking lot' and addressed later. This helps to keep the meeting on track without ignoring important concerns.

  4. Visual Aids: Using visual aids such as whiteboards, sticky notes, or digital tools like Trello or Jira can help to visualize the discussions and keep everyone engaged.

  5. Facilitation Techniques: The Scrum Master can use various facilitation techniques, such as round-robin or fist of five, to ensure that everyone's opinions are heard and decisions are made collaboratively.

By using these tools and techniques, the Sprint Planning meeting can be kept focused and on track.

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Follow up 2: How do you ensure that all necessary tasks are identified and included in the sprint backlog?


To ensure that all necessary tasks are identified and included in the sprint backlog, the following steps can be taken:

  1. User Story Breakdown: The team should break down the user stories or backlog items into smaller, actionable tasks. This can be done during the Sprint Planning meeting or as a separate activity before the meeting.

  2. Task Estimation: The team should estimate the effort required for each task. This helps to identify any missing tasks or dependencies that need to be considered.

  3. Task Assignment: The team should assign the tasks to individual team members based on their skills and availability. This ensures that all necessary tasks are accounted for and that the workload is distributed evenly.

  4. Review and Validation: The sprint backlog should be reviewed and validated by the team to ensure that all necessary tasks are included. This can be done during the Sprint Planning meeting or as a separate activity.

By following these steps, all necessary tasks can be identified and included in the sprint backlog.

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Follow up 3: What steps do you take to ensure that the team is not overcommitted for the sprint?


To ensure that the team is not overcommitted for the sprint, the following steps can be taken:

  1. Capacity Planning: The team should have a clear understanding of their capacity and availability for the sprint. This includes taking into account any planned leaves, holidays, or other commitments.

  2. Story Point Estimation: The team should estimate the effort required for each user story or backlog item using story points. This helps to determine the amount of work that can be realistically completed within the sprint.

  3. Velocity Tracking: The team should track their velocity, which is the average number of story points completed in previous sprints. This helps to establish a baseline for the team's capacity and can be used to determine a realistic commitment for the upcoming sprint.

  4. Negotiation and Prioritization: If the team feels that they are overcommitted, they should negotiate with the Product Owner to reprioritize or remove some user stories from the sprint. This helps to ensure that the team's workload is manageable.

By following these steps, the team can avoid overcommitment and ensure a realistic workload for the sprint.

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Question 4: How do you handle changes or new requirements that are introduced after Sprint Planning?


In Agile, changes or new requirements that are introduced after Sprint Planning are typically handled through a process called backlog refinement or backlog grooming. This involves regularly reviewing and prioritizing the items in the product backlog to ensure that it reflects the most up-to-date requirements and priorities. When a new requirement or change is identified, it is added to the product backlog and discussed during the backlog refinement session. The team then collaboratively estimates the effort required to implement the change and determines its priority in relation to other backlog items. If the change is deemed important and feasible within the current sprint, it can be included in the sprint backlog and worked on during the sprint. If the change cannot be accommodated within the current sprint, it is prioritized for a future sprint during the backlog refinement session.

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Follow up 1: What is your approach to managing scope creep during a sprint?


Scope creep refers to the uncontrolled expansion of project scope, often resulting in additional work being added to the project without corresponding adjustments to the timeline or resources. To manage scope creep during a sprint, the following approaches can be taken:

  1. Clearly define the scope of the sprint during Sprint Planning: The team should have a clear understanding of what is included and what is not included in the sprint. This helps in setting expectations and avoiding scope creep.

  2. Regularly review and prioritize the product backlog: By regularly reviewing and prioritizing the product backlog, the team can ensure that any new requirements or changes are properly evaluated and prioritized. This helps in preventing unnecessary scope creep.

  3. Communicate and collaborate with stakeholders: It is important to have open and transparent communication with stakeholders. If there are any requests for additional work during the sprint, it should be discussed and evaluated collectively. The team and stakeholders should work together to determine the impact of the requested changes on the sprint and make informed decisions.

  4. Manage changes through backlog refinement: As mentioned earlier, backlog refinement sessions can be used to evaluate and prioritize new requirements or changes. By following a structured process for managing changes, the team can effectively handle scope creep and ensure that the sprint remains focused on delivering the planned work.

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Follow up 2: How do you communicate such changes to the team and stakeholders?


Communication of changes to the team and stakeholders is crucial to ensure everyone is aware of the updates and can adjust their plans accordingly. The following approaches can be used to communicate changes:

  1. Daily Stand-up Meetings: During the daily stand-up meetings, the team can discuss any changes or updates to the sprint backlog. This provides an opportunity for the team members to raise any concerns or ask questions related to the changes.

  2. Sprint Review Meetings: The sprint review meetings are a great platform to showcase the work completed during the sprint and discuss any changes or new requirements that were introduced. The team can demonstrate the implemented changes and gather feedback from stakeholders.

  3. Sprint Retrospective Meetings: The sprint retrospective meetings can be used to reflect on the sprint and discuss any challenges or issues faced due to the changes. This provides an opportunity to identify improvements and make necessary adjustments for future sprints.

  4. Project Management Tools: Project management tools like Jira, Trello, or Asana can be used to document and track changes. These tools allow for easy visibility and collaboration among team members and stakeholders.

Overall, it is important to have open and transparent communication channels in place to ensure that changes are effectively communicated to the team and stakeholders.

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Follow up 3: How do you ensure that such changes do not negatively impact the team's productivity or the sprint's outcome?


To ensure that changes do not negatively impact the team's productivity or the sprint's outcome, the following measures can be taken:

  1. Prioritization and Time Management: When new requirements or changes are introduced, it is important to prioritize them based on their impact and urgency. The team should assess the feasibility of accommodating the changes within the sprint timeline and make necessary adjustments to ensure that the most important work is completed.

  2. Collaboration and Communication: Effective collaboration and communication among team members and stakeholders are essential to manage changes smoothly. Regularly discussing and evaluating the impact of changes helps in identifying any potential risks or challenges and finding appropriate solutions.

  3. Incremental Delivery: Agile methodologies emphasize delivering working software in short iterations. By breaking down the work into smaller, manageable increments, the team can minimize the impact of changes. This allows for flexibility and adaptability in accommodating new requirements or changes without disrupting the overall sprint outcome.

  4. Continuous Improvement: Sprint retrospectives provide an opportunity to reflect on the sprint and identify areas for improvement. By continuously learning from past experiences and making necessary adjustments, the team can become more resilient and better equipped to handle changes in future sprints.

By following these measures, the team can mitigate the negative impact of changes and ensure that the sprint's productivity and outcome are not compromised.

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Question 5: Can you describe a situation where your Sprint Planning did not go as planned? How did you handle it?


In one of our Sprint Planning sessions, we faced a situation where the team underestimated the complexity of a user story. As a result, we ended up committing to more work than we could actually complete within the sprint. To handle this situation, we took the following steps:

  1. Reassessed the user story: We reviewed the user story in question and identified the reasons for the underestimation. This helped us understand the complexity better and make a more accurate estimation.

  2. Prioritized the work: We prioritized the user story and other tasks based on their importance and impact. This allowed us to focus on the most critical items and ensure that they were completed within the sprint.

  3. Communicated with stakeholders: We communicated the situation to the stakeholders, including the product owner and the project manager. We explained the reasons for the delay and discussed potential solutions.

  4. Adjusted the sprint plan: We adjusted the sprint plan by removing some non-essential tasks and reallocating resources to the critical items. This helped us ensure that we could still deliver value despite the initial setback.

Overall, this experience taught us the importance of thorough estimation and continuous communication with stakeholders during Sprint Planning.

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Follow up 1: What lessons did you learn from that experience?


From the experience described above, we learned several valuable lessons:

  1. Importance of accurate estimation: It is crucial to spend enough time and effort in understanding the complexity of user stories and making accurate estimations. Underestimating can lead to overcommitment and potential delays.

  2. Need for effective prioritization: Prioritizing tasks based on their importance and impact is essential to ensure that the most critical items are completed within the sprint. This helps in managing expectations and delivering value.

  3. Continuous communication with stakeholders: Regular and open communication with stakeholders, including the product owner and project manager, is vital. It helps in managing expectations, discussing potential issues, and finding solutions collaboratively.

  4. Flexibility in sprint planning: Sprint plans should be flexible enough to accommodate unexpected challenges and setbacks. Adjustments may be required to ensure that the team can still deliver value despite initial difficulties.

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Follow up 2: How did you ensure that the same issues did not recur in future Sprint Planning meetings?


To ensure that the same issues did not recur in future Sprint Planning meetings, we implemented the following measures:

  1. Improved estimation process: We reviewed and improved our estimation process to ensure that we consider all relevant factors and make more accurate estimations. This involved involving the entire team in the estimation process and leveraging historical data and past experiences.

  2. Enhanced communication: We emphasized the importance of continuous communication with stakeholders, especially during Sprint Planning. We encouraged team members to ask questions, seek clarifications, and raise concerns to avoid any misunderstandings or underestimations.

  3. Regular retrospectives: We conducted regular retrospectives after each sprint to reflect on the planning process and identify areas for improvement. This allowed us to learn from past experiences and make necessary adjustments to prevent similar issues in the future.

  4. Ongoing training and learning: We invested in ongoing training and learning opportunities for the team to enhance their skills in estimation, prioritization, and communication. This helped us continuously improve our Sprint Planning process and avoid recurring issues.

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Follow up 3: What was the impact on the team and the sprint, and how did you mitigate it?


The situation where our Sprint Planning did not go as planned had several impacts on the team and the sprint. However, we were able to mitigate these impacts through the following actions:

  1. Increased workload and pressure: The team had to work extra hours and put in additional effort to complete the committed work within the sprint. To mitigate this, we provided support and resources to the team, redistributed tasks, and ensured that everyone had a clear understanding of their responsibilities.

  2. Delayed delivery: Due to the underestimation, we were unable to deliver all the planned work within the sprint timeframe. To mitigate this, we communicated the delay to the stakeholders and managed their expectations. We also adjusted the sprint plan and reprioritized tasks to ensure that the most critical items were still delivered on time.

  3. Lessons learned and process improvements: The situation served as a valuable learning experience for the team. We conducted a retrospective to identify the root causes and implemented process improvements to prevent similar issues in the future. This helped us turn the setback into an opportunity for growth and continuous improvement.

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