DesiredCapabilities in Selenium

This section discusses DesiredCapabilities in Selenium and its usage.

DesiredCapabilities in Selenium Interview with follow-up questions

Interview Question Index

Question 1: What is DesiredCapabilities in Selenium?


DesiredCapabilities is a class in Selenium that represents the desired capabilities of a browser or a mobile device. It is used to set various properties and configurations for the WebDriver instance, such as browser name, version, platform, and additional settings.

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Follow up 1: How do you use DesiredCapabilities?


To use DesiredCapabilities in Selenium, you need to create an instance of the DesiredCapabilities class and set the desired properties using its methods. For example, to set the browser name to Chrome and the browser version to 91.0, you can use the following code:

from selenium import webdriver
from selenium.webdriver.common.desired_capabilities import DesiredCapabilities

# Create an instance of DesiredCapabilities
capabilities = DesiredCapabilities.CHROME

# Set the desired properties
capabilities['browserName'] = 'chrome'
capabilities['browserVersion'] = '91.0'

# Create a WebDriver instance with the desired capabilities
driver = webdriver.Remote(command_executor='http://localhost:4444/wd/hub', desired_capabilities=capabilities)
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Follow up 2: What are some common use cases for DesiredCapabilities?


Some common use cases for DesiredCapabilities in Selenium include:

  1. Specifying the browser and its version: DesiredCapabilities can be used to specify the browser name and version to be used for testing. This is useful when you want to test your application on different browser versions.

  2. Setting the platform: DesiredCapabilities can be used to set the platform on which the tests will be executed. This is useful when you want to test your application on different operating systems.

  3. Configuring additional settings: DesiredCapabilities can be used to configure additional settings for the WebDriver instance, such as enabling/disabling JavaScript, accepting SSL certificates, setting proxy configurations, etc.

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Follow up 3: Can you provide an example of a scenario where DesiredCapabilities would be useful?


Sure! Let's say you have a web application that needs to be tested on different browsers and operating systems. You can use DesiredCapabilities to specify the desired browser, version, and platform for each test scenario. For example, you can create separate test cases for Chrome on Windows, Firefox on macOS, and Safari on iOS. By using DesiredCapabilities, you can easily switch between different browser configurations without modifying your test code.

Here's an example code snippet that demonstrates how to use DesiredCapabilities to test a web application on different browsers:

from selenium import webdriver
from selenium.webdriver.common.desired_capabilities import DesiredCapabilities

# Create an instance of DesiredCapabilities for Chrome
chrome_capabilities = DesiredCapabilities.CHROME
chrome_capabilities['browserName'] = 'chrome'
chrome_capabilities['browserVersion'] = '91.0'
chrome_capabilities['platform'] = 'WINDOWS'

# Create an instance of DesiredCapabilities for Firefox
firefox_capabilities = DesiredCapabilities.FIREFOX
firefox_capabilities['browserName'] = 'firefox'
firefox_capabilities['browserVersion'] = '89.0'
firefox_capabilities['platform'] = 'MAC'

# Create WebDriver instances with the desired capabilities
chrome_driver = webdriver.Remote(command_executor='http://localhost:4444/wd/hub', desired_capabilities=chrome_capabilities)
firefox_driver = webdriver.Remote(command_executor='http://localhost:4444/wd/hub', desired_capabilities=firefox_capabilities)

# Perform your tests using the WebDriver instances
# ...

# Close the WebDriver instances
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Question 2: How can DesiredCapabilities be used to set browser properties?


DesiredCapabilities is a class in Selenium WebDriver that allows you to set various properties for the browser. You can use it to specify browser name, version, platform, and other properties. To use DesiredCapabilities, you need to create an instance of it and then set the desired properties using its methods. Once you have set the desired properties, you can pass the DesiredCapabilities object to the WebDriver instance to launch the browser with the specified properties.

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Follow up 1: What happens if you try to set a browser property that doesn't exist using DesiredCapabilities?


If you try to set a browser property that doesn't exist using DesiredCapabilities, it will not have any effect on the browser. The browser will be launched with its default properties or the properties specified by the WebDriver implementation. It is important to note that the available properties and their names may vary depending on the browser and WebDriver implementation you are using. It is recommended to refer to the documentation or official resources for the specific browser and WebDriver version you are working with to ensure the correct usage of DesiredCapabilities.

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Follow up 2: Can you provide an example of setting a browser property using DesiredCapabilities?


Sure! Here is an example of setting the browser name property using DesiredCapabilities in Java:

DesiredCapabilities capabilities = new DesiredCapabilities();
WebDriver driver = new ChromeDriver(capabilities);

In this example, we create a new instance of DesiredCapabilities and set the browser name property to "chrome". We then pass the DesiredCapabilities object to the ChromeDriver constructor to launch the Chrome browser with the specified property.

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Follow up 3: What are some common browser properties that can be set using DesiredCapabilities?


Some common browser properties that can be set using DesiredCapabilities include:

  • Browser name: You can set the browser name property to specify the browser to be used, such as "chrome", "firefox", or "safari".
  • Browser version: You can set the browser version property to specify a specific version of the browser.
  • Platform: You can set the platform property to specify the operating system on which the browser should be launched, such as "Windows", "Mac", or "Linux".
  • Proxy settings: You can set the proxy property to configure the browser to use a proxy server.

These are just a few examples, and there are many other properties that can be set using DesiredCapabilities depending on the browser and WebDriver implementation you are using.

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Question 3: What is the difference between DesiredCapabilities and WebDriver Options?


DesiredCapabilities and WebDriver Options are both classes in Selenium that are used to configure and customize the behavior of the WebDriver. However, there are some differences between them.

DesiredCapabilities is a class that is used to set the desired capabilities of the WebDriver. Desired capabilities are a set of key-value pairs that define the browser and platform configurations for the WebDriver. For example, you can use DesiredCapabilities to specify the browser name, version, and platform that you want to use for your tests.

WebDriver Options, on the other hand, is a class that is used to set the options for the WebDriver. WebDriver Options provide a more fine-grained control over the WebDriver's behavior. For example, you can use WebDriver Options to set the browser's window size, maximize the window, or set the browser's timeouts.

In summary, DesiredCapabilities is used to set the desired capabilities of the WebDriver, while WebDriver Options is used to set the options for the WebDriver.

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Follow up 1: In what scenarios would you use DesiredCapabilities over WebDriver Options?


DesiredCapabilities are typically used when you need to specify the browser and platform configurations for the WebDriver. For example, if you want to run your tests on a specific version of Chrome on Windows, you can use DesiredCapabilities to set the browser name to 'chrome', the browser version to the desired version, and the platform to 'WINDOWS'.

DesiredCapabilities are also useful when you need to set additional capabilities that are not available through WebDriver Options. For example, if you want to enable JavaScript execution in the browser, you can use DesiredCapabilities to set the 'javascriptEnabled' capability to 'true'.

In summary, you would use DesiredCapabilities over WebDriver Options when you need to specify the browser and platform configurations or set additional capabilities that are not available through WebDriver Options.

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Follow up 2: Can WebDriver Options perform all the functions of DesiredCapabilities?


No, WebDriver Options cannot perform all the functions of DesiredCapabilities. While WebDriver Options provide a more fine-grained control over the WebDriver's behavior, they do not allow you to set the browser and platform configurations or set additional capabilities that are not available through WebDriver Options.

DesiredCapabilities are specifically designed for setting the desired capabilities of the WebDriver, including the browser name, version, platform, and additional capabilities.

In summary, while WebDriver Options provide more control over the WebDriver's behavior, they cannot perform all the functions of DesiredCapabilities.

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Follow up 3: Can you provide an example of a scenario where WebDriver Options would be more appropriate to use than DesiredCapabilities?


Certainly! One scenario where WebDriver Options would be more appropriate to use than DesiredCapabilities is when you want to set the browser's window size or maximize the window.

Here's an example using Python:

from selenium import webdriver

options = webdriver.ChromeOptions()

driver = webdriver.Chrome(options=options)
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Question 4: How can DesiredCapabilities be used in Selenium Grid?


DesiredCapabilities is a class in Selenium that allows you to set various properties and configurations for your WebDriver instance. In Selenium Grid, DesiredCapabilities can be used to specify the desired browser, platform, version, and other capabilities for the remote WebDriver nodes. This allows you to run your tests on different browsers and platforms simultaneously using Selenium Grid.

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Follow up 1: Can you provide an example of using DesiredCapabilities in Selenium Grid?


Sure! Here's an example of using DesiredCapabilities in Selenium Grid:

from selenium import webdriver
from selenium.webdriver.common.desired_capabilities import DesiredCapabilities

# Define the desired capabilities
capabilities = DesiredCapabilities.CHROME.copy()
capabilities['platform'] = 'WINDOWS'

capabilities['version'] = 'latest'

# Create a remote WebDriver instance
driver = webdriver.Remote(

# Use the driver for your tests
# ...

# Quit the driver

In this example, we are using the Chrome browser on a Windows platform with the latest version. You need to replace and with the actual IP address and port of your Selenium Grid hub.

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Follow up 2: What are some common use cases for DesiredCapabilities in Selenium Grid?


Some common use cases for DesiredCapabilities in Selenium Grid include:

  • Running tests on different browsers (e.g., Chrome, Firefox, Safari) and platforms (e.g., Windows, macOS, Linux) simultaneously
  • Testing against different browser versions to ensure compatibility
  • Running tests in parallel on multiple remote WebDriver nodes
  • Distributing test execution across multiple machines for faster execution
  • Testing against different browser configurations (e.g., headless mode, specific browser settings)

DesiredCapabilities provide flexibility and control over the WebDriver instances used in Selenium Grid, allowing you to tailor your test execution environment to your specific requirements.

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Follow up 3: How does DesiredCapabilities enhance the functionality of Selenium Grid?


DesiredCapabilities enhance the functionality of Selenium Grid by allowing you to customize and configure the WebDriver instances used in the grid. By specifying the desired capabilities, you can control the browser, platform, version, and other settings for the remote WebDriver nodes. This enables you to run tests on different browsers and platforms simultaneously, distribute test execution across multiple machines, and test against various browser configurations. DesiredCapabilities provide the flexibility and scalability needed to effectively utilize the resources of a Selenium Grid and maximize test coverage.

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Question 5: Can DesiredCapabilities handle SSL certificates in Selenium?


Yes, DesiredCapabilities can handle SSL certificates in Selenium. DesiredCapabilities is a class in Selenium WebDriver that allows you to set various capabilities for your browser, including SSL certificate handling.

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Follow up 1: How does DesiredCapabilities handle SSL certificates?


DesiredCapabilities handles SSL certificates by providing a capability called 'acceptSslCerts'. By setting this capability to 'true', the browser will accept SSL certificates without displaying any warnings or errors.

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Follow up 2: Can you provide an example of handling SSL certificates using DesiredCapabilities?


Certainly! Here's an example of how to handle SSL certificates using DesiredCapabilities in Selenium:

from selenium import webdriver

# Create a DesiredCapabilities object
capabilities = webdriver.DesiredCapabilities.CHROME.copy()

# Set the 'acceptSslCerts' capability to True
capabilities['acceptSslCerts'] = True

# Create a WebDriver instance with the desired capabilities
driver = webdriver.Chrome(desired_capabilities=capabilities)

# Your code here...

In this example, we create a DesiredCapabilities object and set the 'acceptSslCerts' capability to True. Then, we pass the desired capabilities to the Chrome WebDriver constructor to create a WebDriver instance that can handle SSL certificates.

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Follow up 3: What are some challenges of handling SSL certificates in Selenium and how does DesiredCapabilities address these challenges?


Handling SSL certificates in Selenium can be challenging because browsers often display warnings or errors when encountering untrusted or expired certificates. This can disrupt the automation process and require manual intervention.

DesiredCapabilities addresses these challenges by allowing you to set the 'acceptSslCerts' capability to True. By enabling this capability, the browser will automatically accept SSL certificates without displaying any warnings or errors, allowing the automation to proceed smoothly.

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