Tag: .net

Questions Related to .net

How do we implement private interfaces

  1. Using Inherits Keyword

  2. Private interfaces can not be implemented

  3. Using Implements Keyword

Correct Option: B

AI Explanation

To answer this question, you need to understand how interfaces work in programming.

In most programming languages, an interface is a contract that defines a set of methods that a class must implement. These methods can be accessed by other classes that use the interface. However, an interface itself cannot be instantiated, meaning you cannot create an object of an interface type.

In the context of private interfaces, it is important to note that the concept of private interfaces may vary depending on the programming language. Some languages may not support private interfaces at all, while others may have different mechanisms to achieve the desired level of privacy.

Now let's go through each option to understand why it is correct or incorrect:

Option A) Using Inherits Keyword - This option is incorrect because the "inherits" keyword is typically used for class inheritance, not for implementing interfaces.

Option B) Private interfaces cannot be implemented - This option is correct because in many programming languages, interfaces are meant to be public contracts that define the methods a class must implement. The concept of private interfaces, where only certain classes can implement them, is not supported in many languages.

Option C) Using Implements Keyword - This option is incorrect because the "implements" keyword is typically used to indicate that a class is implementing an interface. However, the concept of private interfaces, where only certain classes can implement them, is not supported in many languages.

Therefore, the correct answer is B) Private interfaces cannot be implemented. This option is correct because in many programming languages, interfaces are meant to be public contracts and cannot be made private.

  1. System.Runtime.Interopservices

  2. System.XML

  3. System. Data

Correct Option: A
  1. DataReader

  2. Dataset

  3. DataAdapter

Correct Option: B

To answer this question, the user should be familiar with the concept of typed datasets and their relationship to other classes in the .NET framework.

The correct answer is:

B. Dataset


In the .NET framework, the base class for typed datasets is the Dataset class. A typed dataset is a dataset that is derived from the Dataset class and includes additional features such as strongly-typed data tables and data columns.

A. DataReader is not the base class for TypedDataset. The DataReader class is used for reading data from a database and does not have a direct relationship to typed datasets.

C. DataAdapter is also not the base class for TypedDataset. The DataAdapter class is used for retrieving and updating data from a database, but it is not the base class for typed datasets.

Therefore, the correct answer is B. Dataset.

Which of the method is used to display the form as modal

  1. Showdialog( )

  2. Activate ( )

  3. Loaddialog()

  4. Show( )

Correct Option: A

The tool provided with .Net framework to register assemblies for use by COM is

  1. Regsvr32

  2. Regasm


  4. Regedit

Correct Option: B

AI Explanation

To answer this question, you need to understand the .NET framework and its integration with COM (Component Object Model).

The correct answer is B) Regasm.

Regasm (Registration Assembly) is the tool provided with the .NET framework to register assemblies for use by COM. It is used to register a .NET assembly as a COM component. This allows the .NET assembly to be accessed and used by COM clients.

Option A) Regsvr32 is not the correct answer. Regsvr32 is a tool used to register and unregister DLL files in the Windows operating system, but it is not specifically used for registering .NET assemblies for use by COM.

Option C) ILDASM (IL Disassembler) is a tool used to view the Intermediate Language (IL) code of a .NET assembly, but it is not used for registering assemblies for use by COM.

Option D) Regedit is a Windows registry editor tool. It is not specifically used for registering .NET assemblies for use by COM.

Therefore, the correct answer is B) Regasm.

  1. Add keyword to Method signature

  2. Add [WebMethod] on top of the Method Signature

  3. Add {WebMethod} on top of the Method Signature

Correct Option: A
  1. Me

  2. This

  3. Super

Correct Option: A

To refer to the current class in VB.Net, you would use the "Me" keyword.

A. Me: This option is correct. In VB.Net, "Me" is a keyword that represents the current instance of the class. It can be used to access the members and properties of the current class.

B. This: This option is incorrect. In VB.Net, "This" is not used to refer to the current class. Instead, "This" is used in other programming languages like C# to refer to the current instance of a class.

C. Super: This option is incorrect. In VB.Net, "Super" is not used to refer to the current class. Instead, "Super" is used in other programming languages like Java to refer to the superclass or base class.

The Answer is: A. Me