Tag: .net

Questions Related to .net

  1. binary code

  2. 1 to string Length

  3. arrays of characters

  4. a character

Correct Option: C

To solve this question, the user needs to know the concept of string indexers.

String indexers treat strings as arrays of characters, where each character in the string is assigned an index value based on its position.

Option A is incorrect because string indexers do not treat strings as binary code.

Option B is incorrect because the index values assigned to characters in a string do not start from 1 and go up to the length of the string. They start from 0 and go up to length-1.

Option C is correct because string indexers treat strings as arrays of characters.

Option D is incorrect because a string is made up of multiple characters, not just one.

Therefore, the correct answer is: C. arrays of characters.

If an IndexofAny method is passed an array of characters it:

  1. finds the first occurrence of each letter in the string

  2. searches for the first occurrence of any of the characters in the string

  3. will search for the first occurrence of the sequence of characters

  4. generates an error

Correct Option: B

Concatenating with strings are done with:

  1. reserved words

  2. method calls

  3. operator overloading

  4. operator overloading and method calls

Correct Option: D
  1. they represent the same meory location

  2. the are two different objects

  3. if one changes, so will the other

  4. None of the above

Correct Option: B

The proper way to convert a string to all lowercase is:

  1. String = string.ToLower(string);

  2. ToLower(string);

  3. string.ToLower();

  4. string.ToLower(string);

Correct Option: C
  1. System .Object

  2. System .Type

  3. System .Data

Correct Option: A