Tag: java

Questions Related to java

  1. @author

  2. {@link}

  3. @serialField

  4. @arg

Correct Option: D

To answer this question, the user needs to know about Javadoc tags and their purpose in documenting Java code.

Now, let's go through each option and explain why it is right or wrong:

A. @author: This is a valid Javadoc tag that is used to indicate the author of the code or the documentation.

B. {@link}: This is a valid Javadoc tag that is used to create a hyperlink to another class, method, or field in the code documentation.

C. @serialField: This is a valid Javadoc tag that is used to document the fields of a serializable class.

D. @arg: This is not a valid Javadoc tag. The correct Javadoc tag for documenting method arguments is @param.

Therefore, the answer is:

The Answer is: D. @arg

  1. An identifier can include letters and the first character can be a letter.

  2. An identifier can include digits, but the first character cannot be a digit.

  3. An identifier's length can exceed the length of the current line.

  4. The symbol for PI (3.14159...) is a valid identifier.

Correct Option: C
  1. Double precision floating-point (double)

  2. Character (char)

  3. Byte integer (byte)

  4. Boolean (boolean)

Correct Option: B
  1. User-defined types are also known as reference types.

  2. User-defined types are only defined via classes and interfaces.

  3. An array type is signified by an identifier and one or more pairs of square brackets.

  4. The declaration int[] x; introduces an array type.

Correct Option: B
  1. null

  2. 43

  3. x 2

  4. print()

Correct Option: C

It's a compound expression consisting of simple expression x (variable name), the addition operator ( ), and simple expression 2 (a 32-bit integer literal).

  1. \f

  2. \u

  3. \"

  4. \\

Correct Option: B

\u must be followed by four hexadecimal digits and is then known as a Unicode escape sequence.

  1. Short integer to character

  2. Integer to long integer

  3. Floating-point to double precision floating-point

  4. Character to floating-point

Correct Option: A