What happens in a Select Case construct when a test value matches the test expression?

  1. The corresponding block of statements is run.

  2. The next Case test value is checked.

  3. The Case Else statement is run.

  4. The Select Case construct is exited.

  5. An error is generated.

Correct Option: A

To solve this question, the user needs to have an understanding of the Select Case construct in programming and how it works.

The Select Case construct is a decision-making structure in programming that allows a program to execute different sections of code based on the value of a test expression. The test expression is compared to each case expression, and if a match is found, the corresponding block of statements under that case is executed.

Now, let's go through each option and explain why it is right or wrong:

A. The corresponding block of statements is run: This option is correct. When a test value matches the test expression in a Select Case construct, the corresponding block of statements under that case is executed.

B. The next Case test value is checked: This option is incorrect. Once a test value matches the test expression in a Select Case construct, the program does not check the next case test value. It executes the corresponding block of statements and exits the Select Case construct.

C. The Case Else statement is run: This option is incorrect. The Case Else statement is only executed if none of the case expressions match the test value.

D. The Select Case construct is exited: This option is incorrect. The Select Case construct is not automatically exited when a test value matches the test expression. It continues to execute the corresponding block of statements for that case.

E. An error is generated: This option is incorrect. When a test value matches the test expression, it is a valid and expected behavior in a Select Case construct. No error is generated in this scenario.

Therefore, the correct answer is:

A. The corresponding block of statements is run

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