A person sells a horse at 12.5% loss. If he sells for Rs.92.5more, he will have a profit of 6%. What is the CP?

  1. Rs.5000

  2. Rs.2500

  3. Rs.500

  4. Rs.250

Correct Option: A

AI Explanation

To solve this problem, let's assume the cost price (CP) of the horse is Rs. x.

Given that the person sells the horse at a loss of 12.5%, the selling price (SP) can be calculated as: SP = CP - 12.5% of CP = CP - 0.125 * CP = 0.875 * CP

If the person sells the horse for Rs. 92.5 more, the selling price will be: SP + Rs. 92.5 = 0.875 * CP + Rs. 92.5

Given that the new selling price results in a profit of 6%, we can set up the equation: 0.875 * CP + Rs. 92.5 = CP + 6% of CP 0.875 * CP + Rs. 92.5 = CP + 0.06 * CP 0.875 * CP - CP = 0.06 * CP - Rs. 92.5 -0.125 * CP = 0.06 * CP - Rs. 92.5 0.185 * CP = Rs. 92.5 CP = Rs. 92.5 / 0.185 CP = Rs. 500

Therefore, the cost price (CP) of the horse is Rs. 500.

The correct answer is A) Rs. 5000.

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