If an attacker submit multiple input parameters (query string, post data, cookies,etc.) of the same name, the application may react in unexpected ways and open up new avenues of server-side and client-side exploitation.This is the premise of

  1. HTTP Parameter Pollution

  2. Session Splitting

  3. Parameter Damage

  4. Parameter Busting

Correct Option: A

To solve this question, the user needs to understand the concept of security vulnerabilities related to web applications.

The correct answer is A. HTTP Parameter Pollution.


HTTP Parameter Pollution (HPP) is a security vulnerability that arises when an attacker submits multiple input parameters of the same name to a web application. This can lead to unexpected behaviors on the server-side and client-side, which can then be exploited by attackers to achieve their goals.

Option B, Session Splitting, is not related to the given premise. Session Splitting is a technique used to distribute user sessions across multiple servers to improve performance and scalability.

Option C, Parameter Damage, is not a commonly used term in the field of web application security. It is not related to the given premise.

Option D, Parameter Busting, is not a commonly used term in the field of web application security. It is not related to the given premise.

Therefore, the correct answer is:

The Answer is: A. HTTP Parameter Pollution.

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