Emails should generally be replied to within 24 hours; how soon should you return a phone call?

  1. Also within 24 hours

  2. Within 2 hours

  3. Within 4 hours

  4. By the end of the business day

Correct Option: C

AI Explanation

To answer this question, we need to understand the general etiquette and expectations regarding phone call responses.

Option A) Also within 24 hours - This option is incorrect because while emails should generally be replied to within 24 hours, phone calls are typically expected to be responded to more promptly.

Option B) Within 2 hours - This option is incorrect because while it is important to respond to phone calls promptly, a response within 2 hours may not be feasible or necessary in all situations.

Option C) Within 4 hours - This option is the correct answer. Returning a phone call within 4 hours is considered a reasonable and timely response in most cases. It shows professionalism and respect for the caller's time.

Option D) By the end of the business day - This option is incorrect because it implies a longer response time compared to the expected timeframe for phone call responses. While responding by the end of the business day may be acceptable in some cases, a quicker response within 4 hours is generally preferred.

The correct answer is Option C) Within 4 hours. This option is correct because returning a phone call within 4 hours is considered a reasonable and timely response.

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