In page preview mode: 1. You can see all pages of your document 2. You can only see the page you are currently working 3. Satyam BPO Services 4. You can only see pages that do not contain graphics

  1. 1,2,3,4

  2. 1,3,4 only

  3. Only 4

  4. None of the above

Correct Option: C

AI Explanation

To answer this question, let's go through each option to understand why it is correct or incorrect:

Option A) 1,2,3,4 - This option is incorrect because it includes options 1 and 2, which are contradictory. Option 1 states that you can see all pages of your document, while option 2 states that you can only see the page you are currently working on. These two options cannot both be true at the same time.

Option B) 1,3,4 only - This option is incorrect because it includes option 1, which is contradictory. Option 1 states that you can see all pages of your document, while option 2 states that you can only see the page you are currently working on. These two options cannot both be true at the same time.

Option C) Only 4 - This option is correct. In page preview mode, you can only see pages that do not contain graphics. This means that you cannot see pages with graphics in page preview mode.

Option D) None of the above - This option is incorrect because option C (Only 4) is the correct answer.

The correct answer is C) Only 4. This option is correct because in page preview mode, you can only see pages that do not contain graphics.

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