
Understanding the concept of inheritance in Java.

Inheritance Interview with follow-up questions

Question 1: What is inheritance in Java?


Inheritance is a mechanism in Java that allows a class to inherit properties and methods from another class. The class that inherits the properties and methods is called the subclass or derived class, and the class from which it inherits is called the superclass or base class. Inheritance promotes code reusability and allows the creation of hierarchical relationships between classes.

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Follow up 1: Can you explain with an example?


Sure! Here's an example to illustrate inheritance in Java:

// Superclass
class Animal {
    void eat() {
        System.out.println("The animal is eating.");

// Subclass
class Dog extends Animal {
    void bark() {
        System.out.println("The dog is barking.");

// Create an instance of the subclass
Dog dog = new Dog();

// Call methods from the superclass
// Output: The animal is eating.;

// Call methods from the subclass
// Output: The dog is barking.
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Follow up 2: What are the different types of inheritance supported in Java?


Java supports the following types of inheritance:

  1. Single inheritance: A subclass can inherit properties and methods from only one superclass.

  2. Multiple inheritance (through interfaces): A subclass can implement multiple interfaces, allowing it to inherit properties and methods from multiple sources.

  3. Multilevel inheritance: A subclass can inherit properties and methods from a superclass, which in turn can inherit from another superclass, creating a chain of inheritance.

  4. Hierarchical inheritance: Multiple subclasses can inherit properties and methods from a single superclass.

  5. Hybrid inheritance: It is a combination of multiple inheritance and multilevel inheritance.

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Follow up 3: What is the use of 'super' keyword in inheritance?


The 'super' keyword in Java is used to refer to the superclass or base class. It is primarily used to access the members (methods and variables) of the superclass that are hidden or overridden by the subclass. The 'super' keyword can be used to call the superclass constructor, access superclass methods and variables, and invoke the superclass implementation of an overridden method.

Here's an example:

// Superclass
class Animal {
    void eat() {
        System.out.println("The animal is eating.");

// Subclass
class Dog extends Animal {
    void eat() {; // Call the eat() method of the superclass
        System.out.println("The dog is eating.");

// Create an instance of the subclass
Dog dog = new Dog();

// Call the eat() method of the subclass
// Output:
// The animal is eating.
// The dog is eating.;
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Question 2: How is inheritance implemented in Java?


Inheritance in Java is implemented using the 'extends' keyword. By using inheritance, a class can inherit the properties and methods of another class, known as the superclass or parent class. The class that inherits the properties and methods is called the subclass or child class.

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Follow up 1: What is the syntax to inherit a class?


The syntax to inherit a class in Java is as follows:

public class Subclass extends Superclass {
    // subclass code
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Follow up 2: Can a class inherit multiple classes in Java?


No, Java does not support multiple inheritance of classes. However, a class can implement multiple interfaces, which provides a form of multiple inheritance.

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Follow up 3: What is the role of constructors in inheritance?


In inheritance, constructors are used to initialize the inherited members of the superclass. When a subclass is created, the constructor of the superclass is automatically called to initialize the inherited members before executing the subclass's constructor code. This ensures that the subclass has access to the inherited members and can properly initialize them.

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Question 3: What is the difference between 'extends' and 'implements' keywords in Java?


In Java, the 'extends' keyword is used to create a subclass that inherits the properties and methods of a superclass. On the other hand, the 'implements' keyword is used to implement an interface, which means that the class will provide an implementation for all the methods defined in the interface.

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Follow up 1: Can an interface extend another interface?


Yes, an interface can extend another interface using the 'extends' keyword. This allows the sub-interface to inherit the methods of the super-interface, and it can also add additional methods of its own.

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Follow up 2: Can a class implement multiple interfaces?


Yes, a class can implement multiple interfaces in Java. This is done by separating the interface names with commas in the 'implements' clause. By implementing multiple interfaces, a class can inherit and provide implementations for all the methods defined in those interfaces.

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Follow up 3: Can you provide an example where both 'extends' and 'implements' are used?


Sure! Here's an example:

public interface Animal {
    void eat();

public interface Mammal extends Animal {
    void sleep();

public class Dog implements Mammal {
    public void eat() {
        System.out.println("Dog is eating");

    public void sleep() {
        System.out.println("Dog is sleeping");

In this example, the 'Animal' interface defines the 'eat()' method, and the 'Mammal' interface extends the 'Animal' interface and adds the 'sleep()' method. The 'Dog' class implements the 'Mammal' interface, which means it must provide implementations for both the 'eat()' and 'sleep()' methods.

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Question 4: What is method overriding in Java?


Method overriding is a feature in Java where a subclass provides its own implementation of a method that is already defined in its superclass. The method in the subclass must have the same name, return type, and parameters as the method in the superclass. By overriding a method, we can provide a specialized implementation of the method in the subclass.

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Follow up 1: How is it related to inheritance?


Method overriding is closely related to inheritance in Java. When a subclass inherits from a superclass, it also inherits the methods defined in the superclass. By overriding a method in the subclass, we can modify the behavior of the method inherited from the superclass. This allows us to customize the behavior of the subclass while reusing the code from the superclass.

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Follow up 2: What rules must be followed while overriding a method?


When overriding a method in Java, the following rules must be followed:

  1. The method in the subclass must have the same name, return type, and parameters as the method in the superclass.
  2. The access modifier of the method in the subclass must be the same or less restrictive than the access modifier of the method in the superclass.
  3. The subclass method cannot throw a checked exception that is not declared by the superclass method.
  4. The subclass method cannot have a lower visibility than the superclass method.
  5. The subclass method cannot override a final method in the superclass.
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Follow up 3: Can we override a private or static method in Java?


No, we cannot override a private or static method in Java. Private methods are not inherited by subclasses, so there is no concept of overriding them. Static methods are also not overridden in Java, they are hidden. If a subclass defines a static method with the same name as a static method in the superclass, the subclass method will hide the superclass method, but it is not considered as overriding.

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Question 5: What is the concept of multiple inheritance?


Multiple inheritance is a feature in object-oriented programming where a class can inherit properties and behaviors from multiple parent classes. This means that a class can have more than one direct superclass. In multiple inheritance, a class can inherit attributes and methods from multiple classes, allowing for code reuse and creating complex class hierarchies.

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Follow up 1: Why is multiple inheritance not supported in Java?


Multiple inheritance is not supported in Java because it can lead to several problems and complexities. One of the main issues is the diamond problem, where a class inherits two or more classes that have a common superclass. This can result in ambiguity when calling methods or accessing attributes from the common superclass. To avoid this ambiguity and maintain simplicity, Java only allows single inheritance, where a class can have only one direct superclass.

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Follow up 2: What problems does multiple inheritance introduce?


Multiple inheritance introduces several problems, including:

  1. Diamond Problem: When a class inherits from two or more classes that have a common superclass, it can lead to ambiguity when calling methods or accessing attributes from the common superclass.

  2. Name Clashes: If two parent classes have methods or attributes with the same name, it can cause conflicts and make the code difficult to understand and maintain.

  3. Complexity: Multiple inheritance can make the class hierarchy more complex and harder to understand, especially when dealing with multiple levels of inheritance and multiple parent classes.

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Follow up 3: How can we achieve multiple inheritance in Java?


In Java, multiple inheritance can be achieved using interfaces. An interface is a collection of abstract methods that a class can implement. By implementing multiple interfaces, a class can inherit the abstract methods from each interface, effectively achieving multiple inheritance.

For example:

interface Interface1 {
    void method1();

interface Interface2 {
    void method2();

class MyClass implements Interface1, Interface2 {
    public void method1() {
        // Implementation

    public void method2() {
        // Implementation
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Follow up 4: What is the role of interfaces in achieving multiple inheritance?


Interfaces play a crucial role in achieving multiple inheritance in Java. By implementing multiple interfaces, a class can inherit the abstract methods from each interface, effectively inheriting behaviors from multiple sources.

Interfaces provide a way to define a contract or a set of methods that a class must implement. By implementing multiple interfaces, a class can inherit the behaviors defined in each interface, allowing for code reuse and achieving multiple inheritance.

It's important to note that interfaces only define method signatures and constants, and they cannot contain implementation code. The implementing class is responsible for providing the actual implementation of the methods defined in the interfaces.

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