Angular Performance and SEO

Understanding performance optimization and SEO in Angular including AOT compilation, lazy loading, and Angular Universal.

Angular Performance and SEO Interview with follow-up questions

Interview Question Index

Question 1: What is AOT compilation in Angular and how does it improve performance?


AOT (Ahead-of-Time) compilation is a process in Angular where the template files of the application are compiled during the build phase, before the application is deployed. This means that the templates are converted into JavaScript code that can be executed directly by the browser, without the need for any further compilation at runtime. AOT compilation improves performance by reducing the size of the application bundle and optimizing the rendering process.

When an Angular application is compiled with AOT, the browser only needs to download the pre-compiled JavaScript code, which is smaller in size compared to the original template files. This reduces the initial load time of the application. Additionally, AOT compilation eliminates the need for the browser to perform any template compilation at runtime, resulting in faster rendering and improved overall performance.

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Follow up 1: What is the difference between AOT and JIT compilation?


AOT (Ahead-of-Time) compilation and JIT (Just-in-Time) compilation are two different approaches to compiling and running Angular applications.

AOT compilation is performed during the build phase of the application, before it is deployed. The template files of the application are compiled into JavaScript code that can be executed directly by the browser. This results in a smaller application bundle size and faster rendering.

On the other hand, JIT compilation is performed at runtime, when the application is loaded in the browser. The template files are compiled into JavaScript code on-the-fly, as the application is running. This means that the browser needs to download the template files and perform the compilation process, which can slow down the initial load time and rendering speed of the application.

In summary, AOT compilation is done ahead of time, during the build phase, while JIT compilation is done just-in-time, at runtime.

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Follow up 2: How can you enable AOT compilation in an Angular project?


To enable AOT (Ahead-of-Time) compilation in an Angular project, you need to modify the build configuration and specify the AOT compiler option.

  1. Open the tsconfig.json file in the root directory of your project.
  2. Locate the angularCompilerOptions section.
  3. Set the aot option to true.

Here is an example of how the tsconfig.json file should look like:

  "compilerOptions": {
  "angularCompilerOptions": {
    "aot": true

After enabling AOT compilation, you can build your Angular project using the ng build --aot command. This will generate the AOT-compiled JavaScript code that can be deployed to the browser.

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Follow up 3: What are the benefits and drawbacks of AOT compilation?


AOT (Ahead-of-Time) compilation in Angular offers several benefits and drawbacks:


  • Improved performance: AOT compilation reduces the size of the application bundle and optimizes the rendering process, resulting in faster load times and improved overall performance.
  • Enhanced security: AOT compilation eliminates the need for the browser to perform any template compilation at runtime, reducing the risk of template injection attacks.
  • Better error checking: AOT compilation detects errors in templates during the build phase, providing early feedback and preventing runtime errors.


  • Longer build times: AOT compilation adds an extra step to the build process, which can increase the build times, especially for larger projects.
  • Limited dynamic behavior: AOT-compiled templates have limited support for dynamic behavior, as they are pre-compiled and cannot be modified at runtime.
  • More complex debugging: Debugging AOT-compiled code can be more challenging compared to JIT-compiled code, as the code is transformed and optimized during the compilation process.
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Question 2: What is lazy loading in Angular and how does it work?


Lazy loading in Angular is a technique used to load modules or components on-demand, rather than loading everything at once when the application starts. This can significantly improve the initial loading time of the application. Lazy loading works by splitting the application into multiple smaller bundles, and loading them only when they are needed.

When a user navigates to a route that requires a lazy loaded module or component, Angular will send a separate HTTP request to fetch the corresponding bundle. Once the bundle is downloaded, Angular will dynamically load and render the module or component, making it available for use in the application.

Lazy loading can be implemented using the Angular Router, by defining separate routes for the lazy loaded modules or components.

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Follow up 1: How can you implement lazy loading in Angular?


To implement lazy loading in Angular, you can follow these steps:

  1. Identify the modules or components that are not required for the initial loading of the application.
  2. Create separate modules for these components or groups of components.
  3. Configure the Angular Router to use lazy loading for these modules.
  4. Define separate routes for the lazy loaded modules in the main routing configuration.

Here is an example of how to implement lazy loading in Angular:

const routes: Routes = [
  { path: 'home', component: HomeComponent },
  { path: 'lazy', loadChildren: () => import('./lazy/lazy.module').then(m => m.LazyModule) }

  imports: [RouterModule.forRoot(routes)],
  exports: [RouterModule]
export class AppRoutingModule { }

In this example, the LazyModule is lazily loaded when the user navigates to the /lazy route.

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Follow up 2: What are the benefits of using lazy loading?


There are several benefits of using lazy loading in Angular:

  1. Improved initial loading time: By loading only the required modules or components, the initial loading time of the application can be significantly reduced.
  2. Reduced memory usage: Lazy loading allows modules or components to be loaded only when they are needed, reducing the memory footprint of the application.
  3. Better code organization: Lazy loading encourages modularization of the application, making it easier to manage and maintain.
  4. Faster subsequent page loads: Once a module or component is loaded, subsequent navigation within the application becomes faster as the module or component is already available in the browser's cache.
  5. Better user experience: With lazy loading, users can start interacting with the application faster, improving the overall user experience.
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Follow up 3: Can you explain a scenario where lazy loading might not be beneficial?


While lazy loading can bring many benefits, there are scenarios where it might not be beneficial:

  1. Small applications: If the application is small and the initial loading time is already fast, lazy loading might not provide significant improvements.
  2. Single-page applications: In single-page applications where all the modules or components are required for the initial page load, lazy loading might not be necessary.
  3. Low network speed: If the network speed is slow, lazy loading might result in a noticeable delay when navigating to routes that require lazy loaded modules or components.
  4. SEO optimization: Lazy loading can make it more challenging for search engine crawlers to discover and index all the content of the application, potentially impacting SEO.

It's important to consider the specific requirements and constraints of the application before deciding whether to use lazy loading or not.

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Question 3: What is Angular Universal and how does it contribute to SEO?


Angular Universal is a technology that allows server-side rendering (SSR) of Angular applications. It enables the rendering of Angular components on the server before sending the final HTML to the client. This is beneficial for SEO because search engine crawlers can easily read and index the fully rendered HTML content, improving the visibility of the application in search engine results.

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Follow up 1: How does Angular Universal work?


Angular Universal works by rendering Angular components on the server using Node.js. When a request is made to the server, Angular Universal generates the HTML for the requested page on the server-side, including the initial state of the application. This HTML is then sent to the client, where it is hydrated and becomes an interactive Angular application. This process ensures that search engine crawlers receive fully rendered HTML content, while still providing a rich user experience on the client-side.

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Follow up 2: What are the benefits of using Angular Universal for SEO?


Using Angular Universal for SEO offers several benefits:

  1. Improved search engine visibility: By rendering the HTML content on the server-side, search engine crawlers can easily read and index the content, leading to better search engine visibility.

  2. Faster initial page load: With server-side rendering, the initial HTML content is already rendered on the server, reducing the time required for the first page load.

  3. Better user experience: While search engine crawlers receive fully rendered HTML content, users still get a rich and interactive experience on the client-side, resulting in a better user experience overall.

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Follow up 3: Can you explain how to implement server-side rendering with Angular Universal?


To implement server-side rendering with Angular Universal, follow these steps:

  1. Install Angular Universal: Use the Angular CLI to install the necessary packages for Angular Universal.

  2. Create server-side rendering configuration: Configure the server-side rendering settings in the Angular application, including the routes to be rendered on the server-side.

  3. Create server-side rendering entry point: Create a server-side rendering entry point file that will be used by Angular Universal to render the application on the server.

  4. Build the server-side rendering bundle: Use the Angular CLI to build the server-side rendering bundle.

  5. Start the server: Start the server using Node.js, which will serve the server-side rendered Angular application.

By following these steps, you can implement server-side rendering with Angular Universal and improve the SEO of your Angular application.

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Question 4: How can you optimize an Angular application's performance?


There are several ways to optimize an Angular application's performance:

  1. Lazy Loading: Splitting your application into smaller modules and loading them on demand can significantly improve initial load time.

  2. Ahead-of-Time (AOT) Compilation: AOT compilation compiles your templates during the build process, resulting in faster rendering and smaller bundle sizes.

  3. Tree Shaking: Tree shaking is a technique that eliminates unused code from your application, resulting in smaller bundle sizes.

  4. Change Detection Strategy: Choosing the right change detection strategy can improve performance. OnPush strategy only triggers change detection when the input properties of a component change or an event is fired.

  5. Optimized CSS: Minifying and compressing CSS files can reduce the size of your application.

  6. Performance Testing: Regularly test your application's performance using tools like Lighthouse or Chrome DevTools to identify and fix performance bottlenecks.

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Follow up 1: What are some common performance issues in Angular applications?


Some common performance issues in Angular applications include:

  1. Excessive Change Detection: Angular's change detection mechanism can be resource-intensive if not used correctly. Frequent and unnecessary change detection can lead to performance degradation.

  2. Large Bundle Sizes: Including unnecessary dependencies or not optimizing the code can result in large bundle sizes, leading to slower initial load times.

  3. Inefficient DOM Manipulation: Manipulating the DOM directly or using heavy DOM operations can impact performance. It is recommended to use Angular's built-in directives and APIs for DOM manipulation.

  4. Suboptimal API Requests: Making too many API requests or fetching excessive data can slow down the application. It is important to optimize API requests and handle data efficiently.

  5. Memory Leaks: Not properly managing subscriptions or not unsubscribing from observables can lead to memory leaks, impacting the performance of the application.

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Follow up 2: Can you explain how change detection works in Angular and how it can affect performance?


In Angular, change detection is the process of detecting changes in the application's data and updating the view accordingly. By default, Angular uses a change detection strategy called 'Default' which checks all components for changes every time an event occurs or data is updated.

Change detection can affect performance in Angular. If change detection is triggered too frequently or if unnecessary components are checked for changes, it can lead to performance degradation. To optimize performance, you can use the 'OnPush' change detection strategy which only triggers change detection for a component when its input properties change or an event is fired. This reduces the number of components checked for changes and improves performance.

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Follow up 3: What tools or techniques can you use to measure performance in Angular?


There are several tools and techniques you can use to measure performance in Angular:

  1. Lighthouse: Lighthouse is an open-source tool by Google that audits web pages for performance, accessibility, and more. It provides a performance score and suggestions for improvement.

  2. Chrome DevTools: Chrome DevTools is a set of web developer tools built into the Chrome browser. It includes performance profiling tools like the Performance tab, which can help you analyze and optimize your Angular application's performance.

  3. Angular Augury: Augury is a Chrome extension developed by the Angular team. It provides a visual representation of your Angular application's component tree, change detection, and performance profiling.

  4. WebPageTest: WebPageTest is an online tool that allows you to test the performance of your Angular application from different locations and devices. It provides detailed performance metrics and waterfall charts.

  5. Custom Performance Monitoring: You can also implement custom performance monitoring using tools like Google Analytics or other third-party libraries to track and analyze performance metrics specific to your application.

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Question 5: How does Angular handle SEO and what are some best practices for improving SEO in Angular applications?


Angular is a JavaScript framework that is primarily designed for building single-page applications (SPAs). By default, SPAs can be challenging for search engine optimization (SEO) because search engines have difficulty in crawling and indexing the content. However, Angular provides several features and best practices to improve SEO in Angular applications.

One of the main features is Angular Universal, which allows server-side rendering (SSR) of Angular applications. SSR renders the initial HTML on the server and sends it to the client, which improves the SEO by providing search engines with fully rendered HTML content. Additionally, Angular Universal supports prerendering, which generates static HTML files for specific routes, making them easily crawlable by search engines.

Other best practices for improving SEO in Angular applications include:

  1. Using proper HTML structure and semantic tags to provide meaningful content to search engines.
  2. Optimizing page load time by minimizing the use of external resources and optimizing code.
  3. Providing metadata, such as meta tags and title tags, to describe the content of each page.
  4. Using Angular's built-in routing and navigation features to create SEO-friendly URLs.
  5. Implementing proper URL canonicalization to avoid duplicate content issues.
  6. Generating and submitting a sitemap to search engines to help them discover and index all the pages of the Angular application.

By following these best practices and utilizing Angular Universal, developers can greatly improve the SEO of their Angular applications.

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Follow up 1: What are some common SEO challenges with single-page applications like Angular?


Single-page applications (SPAs) like Angular face several SEO challenges due to their dynamic nature and heavy reliance on JavaScript.

  1. Search engine crawlers have difficulty in crawling and indexing the content of SPAs because the content is often loaded dynamically using JavaScript. This can result in incomplete or inaccurate indexing of the application's content.
  2. SPAs often have long initial load times, which can negatively impact SEO as search engines prioritize fast-loading websites.
  3. SPAs may have issues with URL structure and navigation, as they often use client-side routing and may not have distinct URLs for each page.
  4. SPAs may have duplicate content issues if they generate multiple URLs with the same content.

These challenges can affect the visibility and ranking of SPAs in search engine results. However, by implementing SEO best practices and utilizing Angular Universal for server-side rendering, these challenges can be mitigated.

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Follow up 2: How can you use meta tags and title tags in Angular for SEO?


Meta tags and title tags are important for SEO as they provide information about the content of a web page to search engines. In Angular, you can use the Angular Meta service to dynamically set meta tags and title tags based on the current route or component.

Here's an example of how to use the Angular Meta service to set meta tags and title tags:

import { Component } from '@angular/core';
import { Meta, Title } from '@angular/platform-browser';

  selector: 'app-my-page',
  templateUrl: './my-page.component.html',
  styleUrls: ['./my-page.component.css']
export class MyPageComponent {

  constructor(private meta: Meta, private title: Title) {
    this.title.setTitle('My Page Title');
      { name: 'description', content: 'This is the description of my page.' },
      { name: 'keywords', content: 'angular, seo, meta tags' }


In this example, the Meta and Title services are imported from @angular/platform-browser. The setTitle method is used to set the title of the page, and the addTags method is used to add meta tags with their respective names and content.

By dynamically setting meta tags and title tags in Angular, you can provide search engines with relevant information about your pages, which can improve the SEO of your Angular application.

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Follow up 3: Can you explain how to use Angular Universal for prerendering for SEO purposes?


Angular Universal is a server-side rendering (SSR) solution provided by Angular. It allows you to prerender your Angular application on the server and send fully rendered HTML to the client, which improves SEO by providing search engines with crawlable content.

To use Angular Universal for prerendering, you need to follow these steps:

  1. Install the necessary dependencies by running the command ng add @nguniversal/express-engine.
  2. Create a server-side rendering configuration file, typically named server.ts, which sets up the server and renders the Angular application.
  3. Update your app.module.ts file to include the necessary server-side rendering modules and providers.
  4. Build your Angular application using the command ng build --prod to generate the production-ready files.
  5. Run the server-side rendering process using the command npm run prerender or npm run serve:ssr.

After following these steps, Angular Universal will prerender your application on the server and generate static HTML files for each route. These static HTML files can be served to search engines, improving the SEO of your Angular application.

It's important to note that Angular Universal requires additional configuration and may have some limitations depending on the complexity of your application. It's recommended to refer to the official Angular Universal documentation for detailed instructions and best practices.

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