Tag: .net

Questions Related to .net

  1. Using Inherits Keyword

  2. Private interfaces can not be implemented

  3. Using Implements Keyword

Correct Option: B
  1. System.Runtime.Interopservices

  2. System.XML

  3. System. Data

Correct Option: A
  1. DataReader

  2. Dataset

  3. DataAdapter

Correct Option: B

To answer this question, the user should be familiar with the concept of typed datasets and their relationship to other classes in the .NET framework.

The correct answer is:

B. Dataset


In the .NET framework, the base class for typed datasets is the Dataset class. A typed dataset is a dataset that is derived from the Dataset class and includes additional features such as strongly-typed data tables and data columns.

A. DataReader is not the base class for TypedDataset. The DataReader class is used for reading data from a database and does not have a direct relationship to typed datasets.

C. DataAdapter is also not the base class for TypedDataset. The DataAdapter class is used for retrieving and updating data from a database, but it is not the base class for typed datasets.

Therefore, the correct answer is B. Dataset.

  1. Showdialog( )

  2. Activate ( )

  3. Loaddialog()

  4. Show( )

Correct Option: A
  1. Add keyword to Method signature

  2. Add [WebMethod] on top of the Method Signature

  3. Add {WebMethod} on top of the Method Signature

Correct Option: A
  1. Me

  2. This

  3. Super

Correct Option: A

To refer to the current class in VB.Net, you would use the "Me" keyword.

A. Me: This option is correct. In VB.Net, "Me" is a keyword that represents the current instance of the class. It can be used to access the members and properties of the current class.

B. This: This option is incorrect. In VB.Net, "This" is not used to refer to the current class. Instead, "This" is used in other programming languages like C# to refer to the current instance of a class.

C. Super: This option is incorrect. In VB.Net, "Super" is not used to refer to the current class. Instead, "Super" is used in other programming languages like Java to refer to the superclass or base class.

The Answer is: A. Me