Tag: economics

Questions Related to economics

Risk bearing theory of profit was propounded by the American economist F.B.Hawley in __________.

  1. $1900$

  2. $1908$

  3. $1907$

  4. $1850$

Correct Option: C

According to _____________, there are three motives for liquidity preference. 

  1. Robbins

  2. Marshall

  3. Keynes

  4. Viner

Correct Option: C

According to Keynes, there are ____________ motives for liquidity preference. 

  1. five

  2. three

  3. two

  4. eight

Correct Option: B

In a long run equilibrium of a competitive firm ___________.

  1. $AR < AC$

  2. $AR > AC$

  3. $AC > AR$

  4. $AR = LRAC$

Correct Option: C

In a long run equilibrium of a competitive firm _______________.

  1. fixed cost vanishes

  2. Average fixed cost curve vanishes

  3. Average total cost are present

  4. All of the above

Correct Option: D

In the long run, there is enough time for the Firm to cover its Losses and earn Normal Profits. This is because in the long run, all inputs are-

  1. Identical

  2. Homogeneous

  3. Variable

  4. Fixed

Correct Option: C

Time element was conceived by _________.

  1. Adam Smith

  2. Alfred Marshall

  3. Pigou

  4. Lionel Robinson

Correct Option: B

Time element was propounded by Alfred Marshall with respect to price discrimination. He said that demand and supply and the price all these factors should be managed by the seller perfectly on time to earn huge profits. Hence, time element was conceived by Alfred Marshall.

If the firm increases its output even after $MR = MC$ and an equilibrium is struck, then:
  1. $MR$ becomes greater than $MC$

  2. $MC$ becomes greater than $MR$

  3. $MR$ stays equal to $MC$

  4. none of these

Correct Option: B