Tag: storage

Questions Related to storage

  1. Rewinding the Tape

  2. Stop the tape and re-wind to beginning

  3. rewind to a seek position

  4. Stop, rewind and seek where last streaming end

Correct Option: D
  1. Logical drives

  2. Can be shared between several servers

  3. Soft partitions

  4. Hard partitions

Correct Option: A,B,C

The following protocols used by NAS (network attached storage)

  1. SCSI

  2. TCP/IP

  3. NFS

  4. HTTP

Correct Option: B,C,D
  1. SAS adapters

  2. iSCSI adapters

  3. Fibre Channel interface cards

  4. Standard ethernet adapters

Correct Option: C
  1. Current DWH date

  2. Thursdays

  3. Last working day of the month

  4. Month end

Correct Option: A,D