Tag: operating systems

Questions Related to operating systems

  1. dot files will not be listed

  2. Last dot file only be listed

  3. only latest dot file be listed

  4. dot files will be listed

Correct Option: A

There are 10 dot files (i,e files starting with .).What will be the output of ls command executed by root?

  1. dot files will not be listed

  2. Last dot file only be listed

  3. only latest dot file be listed

  4. dot files will be listed

Correct Option: D

  2. If COLUMNS is not set,current column value of the display

  3. default value of 80

  4. Both A and B

Correct Option: D

can you decipher the file type by its ls -lrt --> "prwxrwxr-x-" ?

  1. The entry is a local socket

  2. The entry is a first-in,first-out (FIFO) special file

  3. The entry is an ordinary file

  4. Purged Permissions

Correct Option: B
  1. 1 Use sigsend()

  2. 2 use kill()

  3. 3 use signal()

  4. 4 Only init can send signals

Correct Option: B