Tag: databases

Questions Related to databases

  1. Nothing

  2. Everything

  3. Disk

  4. Processor

Correct Option: A

Maximum no. of secondry indexes allowed on single table

  1. 64

  2. 32

  3. 128

  4. 256

Correct Option: B
  1. Group of nodes that share a common set of disk arrays.

  2. Group of AMP's that share a common set of VDisk

  3. Group of PE's used for fault tolerance.

  4. Group of teradata systems.

Correct Option: A
  1. Row hash

  2. Row id

  3. Hash map

  4. Hash value

Correct Option: B
  1. It permits successful rollback to the last archive

  2. After the transaction is committed, the Before Images are discarded

  3. Transient Journal operation is automatic

  4. Before Images are kept until manually purged

Correct Option: B,C
  1. rowid

  2. sysdate

  3. rownum

  4. all of the above

Correct Option: D