Tag: softskills

Questions Related to softskills

Have you ever argued ___ your best friend about anything?

  1. to

  2. about

  3. with

  4. against

Correct Option: C
  1. from

  2. at

  3. for

  4. of

Correct Option: B

To solve this question, the user needs to know the correct preposition that should be used to complete the sentence.

The verb "astonished" is usually followed by the preposition "at". Therefore, the correct option is:

The Answer is: C. at

Explanation: A. "of" is incorrect because astonished is not followed by "of". B. "from" is incorrect because astonished is not followed by "from". C. "at" is correct because astonished is usually followed by "at". D. "for" is incorrect because astonished is not followed by "for".

  1. state of being partial

  2. flexible

  3. condense or shorten

  4. pertaining to tailors or tailoring

Correct Option: C
  1. one-sided

  2. entreating

  3. abolish

  4. satisfy to the full

Correct Option: C
  1. divide into parts

  2. one who supplicates

  3. cutting off

  4. small body revolving around a larger one

Correct Option: C
  1. upstart

  2. petition humbly

  3. depart secretly and hide

  4. satisfy fully (physical needs such as hunger)

Correct Option: C
  1. old-fashioned

  2. assumption

  3. complete

  4. form of literature in which irony, sarcasm, and ridicule are employed to attack human vice and folly

Correct Option: C
  1. present falsely

  2. assumed

  3. pardon (an offense)

  4. using satire

Correct Option: C