Tag: physics

Quizzes Related to physics

The big bang and the early development of the universe - class-VII

the big bang and the early development of the universe
Ques 63 0 Taken 0

Centre of gravity - class-XII

centre of gravity
Ques 63 0 Taken 0

Band theory of solids, a brief introduction - class-XII

band theory of solids, a brief introduction
Ques 63 0 Taken 0

Applications of reflection of sound - class-X

applications of reflection of sound
Ques 63 0 Taken 0

Alternate sources of energy - class-IX

alternate sources of energy
Ques 64 0 Taken 0

Parliamentary procedures - class-VIII

parliamentary procedures
Ques 64 0 Taken 0

Composition of air - class-VII

composition of air
Ques 65 0 Taken 0

Important points about atmospheric pressure - class-VIII

important points about atmospheric pressure
Ques 64 0 Taken 0

Electric force - class-XII

electric force
Ques 64 0 Taken 0

Solar equipment - class-IX

solar equipment
Ques 65 0 Taken 0