Tag: flower

Questions Related to flower

There are two clusters, each with 3-9 flowers on a node in the axis of opposite leaf and each cluster has a condensed dichasial cyme ending in monochasial cyme and flowers have lever mechanism, it represents 

  1. Cyathium

  2. Coenanthium

  3. Verticillaster

  4. Hypanthodium

Correct Option: C

There are two clusters each with 3-9 flowers on a node in the axis of opposite leaf and each cluster has a condensed dichasial cyme ending in monochasial cyme and flowers have lever mechanism, it represents Verticillaster. A cymose inflorescence arranged in pairs at the nodes, in the manner of a false whorl, is called a verticillaster. A reduced raceme or cyme that grows in the axis of a bract is called a fascicle. A verticillaster is a fascicle with the structure of a dichasium; it is common among the Laminaceae. Many verticillasters with reduced bracts can form a spicate (spike-like) inflorescence that is commonly called a spike.

Oblique ovary is found in

  1. Solanaceae

  2. Palmaceae

  3. Poaceae

  4. Liliaceae

Correct Option: A

Solanaceae is called the 'brinjal family'. It includes about 90 genera and 2000 species.
The gynoecium is bicarpellary, syncarpous, bilocular or tetralocular due to pseudoseptum many ovules on axile placentation. Ovary is superior, obliquely placed.
Thus, the correct answer is option (A), 'Solanaceae.

In cyathium the ratio between female to male flower is

  1. One: one

  2. One : Many

  3. Many : One

  4. Many : Many

Correct Option: B

Cyathium - Here, the inflorescence is highly reduced. It has a cup shaped receptacle formed by the fusion of five bracts. On the surface of this cup, generally a yellow colored nectar secreting gland is present. A single female flower arises from the center of the cup. It is highly reduced and is borne on a long stalk. The multiple male flowers are highly reduced and are produced in a scorpioid manner from the axil of each bract e.g. Euphorbia pulcherrima
Therefore, the correct answer is option B.

Mark the fiber yielding plant of Malvaceae

  1. Malvaviscus arboreus

  2. Hibiscus cannabinus

  3. Alcea rosea

  4. Malvestrum tricuspidatum

Correct Option: B

Kenaf or Hibiscus cannabinus, is a plant in the Malvaceae family. Hibiscus cannabinus is in the genus Hibiscus and is probably native to southern Asia, though its exact natural origin is unknown. The name also applies to the fiber obtained from this plant. Kenaf is one of the allied fibers of jute and shows similar characteristics. Alcea rosea is an ornamental plant in the Malvaceae family. Malvestrum tricuspidatum and Malvaviscus arboreus belongs to family Malvaceae but they are not fiber yielding plants. 
Therefore, the correct answer is option B.

The flower with a stalk is

  1. Pedicellate

  2. Petiolate

  3. Sessile

  4. Subsessile

Correct Option: A

The stalk of the flower is called pedicel. The flowers that have pedicel are called pedicellate. Pedicel attaches the flower to the inflorescence.

A. Pedicellate is the term used for those flowers that have pedicel.

B. Petiolate is the term used for those leaves that have stalk called petiole.

C. The term sessile indicates an absence of any stalk. Both the flowers and the leaves can be sessile.

D. The subsessile condition arises when there is very short stalk.

Hence, the correct answer is 'Pedicellate'

Flower with all the four types of floral organs is

  1. Regular

  2. Irregular

  3. Complete

  4. Perfect

Correct Option: C

There are four whorls in a flower namely, calyx, corolla, androecium and gynoecium. When a flower has all these four whorls, it is called complete. When any of these are missing, flower is called incomplete.

A. Regular flowers are those that have radial symmetry and are called actinomorphic.
B. Irregular flowers have a bilateral symmetry and are called zygomorphic.
C. Complete flower has all the four whorls.
D. Perfect flower is the one that has both the male and female sex organs, that is, androecium and gynoecium present.
Hence, the correct answer is 'Complete'

Flower with both the types of sexual floral organs is

  1. Complete

  2. Perfect

  3. Incomplete

  4. Dimorphic

Correct Option: B

There are different terms used to describe flowers on the basis of presence and absence of the floral parts or the whorls. A flower that has both the sexual organs, that is both male reproductive parts (androecium) and female reproductive parts (gynoecium) is called a perfect flower.

A. Complete flower is the one that has all the four whorls of calyx, corolla, androecium and gynoecium.
B. Perfect flower is the one that has both the sex organs.
C. Incomplete flower is the one that lacks one or more floral whorls.
D. Dimorphic flowers are unisexual flowers.
Hence, the correct answer is 'Perfect'.

Bombax is an example of ____ stamens.

  1. Manoadelphous

  2. Diadelphous

  3. Polyadelphous

  4. None of the above

Correct Option: C

The filaments are united in several groups. Example: Bombax - polyadelphous.

Smallest flower belongs to

  1. Rosa indica

  2. Wolffia microscopica

  3. Ranunculus scleratus

  4. Colocasia antiquorum

Correct Option: B

Wolffia microscopica makes the smallest flowers in the Angiospermae. The flower has a single pistil and stamen. The fruit is also smallest, called utricle. Wolffia microscopica belongs to the family Lemnaceae.

Hence, the correct answer is 'Wolffia microscopica'

A pistillate flower does not possess _________.

  1. Corolla

  2. Androecium

  3. Calyx

  4. Gynaecium

Correct Option: B

Pistillate flower refers to that imperfect or unisexual flower which does not have the male reproductive organ called the stamen. The stamens are collectively called the androecium. So, a pistillate flower will only show the gynoecium (the female reproductive whorl) and not the androecium. Similarly, a staminate flower will only show the androecium (male reproductive whorl) and not the gynoecium. Hence, the correct answer is 'Androecium'