Tag: families of angiosperms

Questions Related to families of angiosperms

Leguminosae is important for

  1. Vegetables

  2. Pulses

  3. Oils

  4. Fibres

Correct Option: B

Leguminosae is commonly known as grain, legumes or pea family. It is important for pulses. Grain legumes are cultivated for pulses. 

Seeds which are used as Jeweller's weight ______________.

  1. Xanthium

  2. Abrus precatorius

  3. Calotropis

  4. Thespasia

Correct Option: B
Abrus precatorius seeds were used as Jeweller's weight. This is because, the seeds of this plant have very consistent weight approximately 105 mg
So, the correct answer is 'Abrus precatorius'

The two families dominate in having maximum useful plants

  1. Fabaceae and Poaceae

  2. Liliaceae and Solanaceae

  3. Malvaceae and Brassicaceae

  4. Liliaceae and Poaceae

Correct Option: A

The Fabaceae or Leguminosae is commonly known as the legume or pea family. They are economically important family of flowering plants. The Poaceae are a large family of monocotyledonous flowering plants. The Poaceae is the fifth largest plant family. Poaceae belongs to grass family of monocotyledonous flowering plants. It produces economically useful plants such as Barley, Maize, Oats, Rice, Bamboo, Meadow-grass, Ryegrass, etc. Most of the economically important plants in Febaceae family are herbs. 

Thus, the correct answer is option A.

Which of the following are not characteristic features of fabaceae?

  1. The root system, compound leaves and raceme inflorescence

  2. Flowers actinomorphic, twisted aestivation and gamopetalous

  3. Stamens 10, introrse, basifixed, dithecous

  4. Monocarpellary, ovary superior and bent stigma

  5. Fruit is legume

Correct Option: B

Twisted aestivation is found in Malvaceae family. The characteristics of this family include, hypogynous, pentamerous flowers, presence of epicalyx, twisted aestivation of petals, basal part of the petals united with the basal part of the staminal tube, stamens are monadelphous and axile placentation. 
Therefore, the correct answer is option B.

Fruit in members of Solanaceae is

  1. Drupe

  2. Capsule or berry

  3. Siliqua

  4. Pod or achene

Correct Option: B

Solanaceae is the potato family of flowering plant. It is also called as nightshade family. The gynoecium of Solanaceae members consists of a single compound pistil of 2 carpels, a single style and a superior ovary with 2 locules by false partitioning, each with numerous axile ovules. A nectary disk is present around the base of the ovary. Thus, the fruit is a berry or septicidal capsule.
Therefore, the correct answer is option B.

Pulses are obtained from

  1. Fabaceae

  2. Asteraceae

  3. Poaceae

  4. Solanaceae

Correct Option: A

All pulses belong to family Fabaceae. The flowers in Fabaceae family are perigynous and zygomorphic. The perianth commonly consists of a calyx and corolla of 5 segments each. The petals are overlapping in bud with the posterior petal outermost in position. The two lowermost petals are joined together called as the keel petals. The lateral petals are often called as the wings. The pistil is simple, consisting of a single style and stigma and a superior ovary with one locule containing many marginal ovules. The fruit is usually a legume.

Thus, the correct answer is option A.

Which of the following is not a characteristic feature of Fabaceae __________________.

  1. Descendingly. imbricate, ten stamens, diadelphous,

    ovary superior

  2. Sepals five , gamoseepalous, imbricate aestivation ,

    placentation marginal

  3. Monocarpellary, ovary superior, style long, slightly bent

    at the apex

  4. Zygomorphic flowers, diadelphous stamens, many


  5. Corolla five petals, polypetalous, anterior one large and


Correct Option: E

Fabaceae is famous as Leguminosae or bean and pea family. This single monophyletic family possess three sub-families such as Mimosoideae, Papilionoideae, Caesalpinioideae.

While the family is known by the presence of five sepals, zygomorphic flower, gamosepalous. It has imbricate aestivation. The placentation is marginal with one elongated placenta on one side of the ovary (superior). Its ovules attached at the fusion of the carpel's margins and not axile (where the ovary is divided by radial spokes with placentas in separate locules).

Therefore, the correct answer is option E.

What is true of androecium of fabaceae?

  1. Ten free

  2. 10 monoadelphous

  3. 10 diadelphous

  4. 10 polyadelphous

Correct Option: C

The androecium is the male part of an angiospermic flower which is composed of two or more stamens. They are called essential organs because the androecium is involved in reproduction. In Fabaceae, the stamens are 10,  diadelphous and anthers are dithecous. Diadelphous stamens are those which are united by their filaments so as to form two groups.

So, the correct answer is '10 diadelphous'.

Gynoecioum of fabaceae is

  1. Bicarpellary syncarpous

  2. Polycarpellary apocarpous

  3. Polycarpellary syncarpous

  4. Monocarpellary

Correct Option: D

The gynoecium is the female reproductive organs of a flower which is composed of a group of pistils. In Fabaceae, the ovary is superior, monocarpellary, unilocular with many ovules, style is single. Hence, the gynoecium of Fabaceae is monocarpellary.

So, the correct answer is 'Monocarpellary'.

A fodder plant is

  1. Medicago sativa

  2. Melilotus indica

  3. Trifolium alexandrinum

  4. All of the above

Correct Option: D
  • Medicago sativa, commonly known as Alfalfa is a perennial flowering plant belonging to the family Fabaceae. It is cultivated as an important fodder plant in many countries around the world.

  • Melilotus indicus is a yellow-flowered herb native to northern Africa, Europe and Asia. It is an annual and perennial herb. It is used as a source of nectar, fodder and soil improver.

  • Trifolium alexandrinum, commonly known as Egyptian clover or Berseen clover is an annual clover cultivated mostly in irrigated subtropical regions. It is used as fodder mainly for cattle and milk buffalo.

  • So, the correct answer is 'All of the above'.