Tag: pteridophytes

Questions Related to pteridophytes

Which is important in development of seed habit?

  1. Dependent sporophyte

  2. Haplontic life cycle

  3. Heterospory

  4. Free living gametophyte

Correct Option: C

Pteridophytes are called vascular cryptogams as they are non-seeded plants containing

  1. Only xylem

  2. Only phloem

  3. Neither xylem nor phloem

  4. Xylem and phloem

Correct Option: D

A vascular cryptogam is

  1. Equisetum

  2. Cedrus

  3. Marchantia

  4. Ginkgo

Correct Option: A

Equisetum is a genus of Pteridophyta division. They are called as cryptogam. Vascular cryptogamic plants are those plants which have vascular system and do not have seeds. Equisetum is a vascular plant bearing hidden seeds.

Thus, the correct answer is option A.

Choose the correct answers from the alternatives given.
In the fern cycle, which of the following generation is dominant?

  1. Haploid gametophyte

  2. Diploid gametophyte

  3. Haploid sporophyte

  4. Diploid sporophyte

Correct Option: D
In the fern cycle, the sporophyte generation is dominant because the fern does not possess seeds, they only possess spores and thus diploid sporophyte is the dominant generation. In fern, gametophytes are tiny and only live for a few days. 

Identify the correct pair of characters with reference to Pteris. $I$. Neck canal cell is uninucleated $II$. Stem grows vertically in soil $III$. Apogamously produced sporophytes are haploids $IV$. Open dichotomous venation in leaflets.

  1. $II$ and $IV$

  2. $III$ and $IV$

  3. $I$ and $II$

  4. $I$ and $III$

Correct Option: A

In fern, rhizome

  1. Vessels are absent.

  2. Sieve tubes are absent.

  3. Parenchyma is absent.

  4. Tracheids are absent.

Correct Option: A

Fern stems are often called rhizomes, but this term refers to those with a long-creeping or climbing habit. If the stem is short and compact and radially symmetric, either erect, prostrate or ascending then it is called a caudex or rootstock. In some cases, the caudex is erect and tree-like with an apical radial tuft of leaves in which case it is often called a trunk. The rhizomes of ferns are very rarely naked and usually have some form of covering, especially on their growing tips, to provide protection from the extremes of temperature, desiccation, predation and physical abrasion. The rhizome have sieve tubes but there are no vessels. 

So, the correct answer is option A.

Match column I with column II and select the correct option from the codes given below.

Column I Column II
A. Pteris (i) Bryophyte
B. Cedrus (ii) Pteridophyte
C. Sonchus (iii) Gymnosperm
D. Marchantia (iv) Angiosperm
  1. A-(ii), B-(iii), C-(iv), D-(i)

  2. A-(ii), B-(i), C-(iv), D-(iii)

  3. A-(i), B-(iii), C-(iv), D-(ii)

  4. A-(iii), B-(iv), C-(ii), D-(i)

Correct Option: A

(A) Pteris - Pteridophyte

(B) Cedrus - Gymnosperm
(C) Sonchus - Angiosperm
(D) Marchantia - Bryophyte
So, the correct answer is (a).

Read statements $a-e$. How many are correct (a) In Equisetum the female gametophyte is retained on the parent sporophyte (b) In Ginkgo, male gametophyte is not independent (c) Riccia sporophyte is more developed than that in Polytrichum (d) Sexual reproduction in Volvox is isogamous (e) The spores of slime moulds lack cell walls.

  1. One

  2. Two

  3. Three

  4. Four

Correct Option: A

Give examples of division pteridophyta.

  1. Adiantum and Lycopodium

  2. Marsilea and Selaginella

  3. Adiantum and Selaginella

  4. All of above

Correct Option: D

Adiantum, Lycopodium, Marsilea and Selaginella are multicellular autotrophic plants, they belong to kingdom plantae, sub-kingdom: cryptogamae and division pteridophyta.

Which of the following features of angiosperm resemble gymnosperm?

  1. Presence of ovules

  2. Presence of tracheids

  3. Nature of endosperm

  4. Mode of fertilisation

Correct Option: B

Angiosperms are flowering plants. Gymnosperms are non-flowering plants. They are seedless plants. The main feature which is common to both of them is the presence of tracheids. Tracheids are vessel elements in plants. They help in the movement of water and minerals across the plants. 

So, option B " Presence of tracheids" is the correct option.