Tag: pteridophyta

Questions Related to pteridophyta

Fern phloem lacks

  1. Sieve tubes

  2. Companion cells

  3. Phloem parenchyma

  4. All of the above

Correct Option: B

Fern phloem lacks companion cells. Placenta in fern is the place of attachment of sporangia.
Companion cells occur only in angiosperms.
Companion cell is any of a number of specialized parenchyma cells adjacent to a sieve tube in the phloem of flowering plants, believed to regulate the flow of nutrients through the tube.

In pteridophytes, the xylem mainly consists of

  1. Vessels

  2. Sclerids

  3. Tracheids

  4. All of the above

Correct Option: C

Pteridophyta is the primitive vascular plants. They are also called as vascular cryptogams. They are flowerless, seedless, spore-bearing vascular plants. In pteridophytes, the xylem mainly consists of tracheids and xylem parenchyma. Generally, vessels are absent but some primitive types of vessels are present in some of the species.

In fern, young leaves are protected by

  1. Indusium

  2. Ramenta

  3. Rhizome

  4. Stipule

Correct Option: B

Ramenta is one of the thin, chaff like scales covering the shoots or leaves of certain ferns. Young leaves of fern are protected by ramenta.
Therefore, the correct answer is option B.

Fern rhizome is

  1. Root

  2. Stem

  3. Rhizophore

  4. Rhizoid

Correct Option: B
Fern stems are often called rhizomes, but this term refers to those with a long-creeping or climbing habit. If the stem is short and compact and radially symmetric, either erect, prostrate or ascending then it is called a caudex or rootstock. In some cases, the caudex is erect and tree-like with an apical radial tuft of leaves (Cyathea, Dicksonia, Leptopteris, some Blechnum, Thelypteridaceae) in which case it is often called a trunk. Creeping rhizomes can be either long-creeping with widely spaced fronds or short-creeping with fronds relatively close together. The rhizomes can be radial or radially symmetric or dorsiventral with leaves or fronds produced on the dorsal or upper side and roots produced on ventral or lower side.
Some plants have rhizomes that grow above ground or that lie at the soil surface, including some Iris species, and ferns, whose spreading stems are rhizomes. Plants with underground rhizomes include gingers, bamboo, the Venus Flytrap, Chinese lantern, Western poison-oak, hops, and Alstroemeria, and the weeds Johnson grass, Bermuda grass, and purple nutsedge. Rhizomes generally form a single layer, but in Giant Horsetails, can be multi-tiered
So, the correct answer is 'Stem'

In which of the following groups would you place a plant, which produces spores, has vascular tissues and lacks flowers and seeds?

  1. Bryophytes

  2. Pteridophytes

  3. Gymnosperms

  4. Algae

Correct Option: B

1. Members of this group are most primitive living vascular plants.
2. The main plant body is a sporophyte. It is differentiated into root, stem and leaves.
3. Plants (sporophyte) reproduce by spores formed in sporangia. Sporangia develop either on the ventral surface or in the axil of leaves.
4. Plants may be homosporous or heterosporous. The development of sporangium may be of eusporangiate (when developing from a group of initials) or leptosporangiate. (When developing from a single initial) type.
5. Spores develop into a multi-cellular gametophytic body called prothallus- a thalloid structure. It is independent and chlorophyllous. It bears male reproductive organs called antheridia and female reproductive organs called archegonia. Reproductive organs are multicellular and jacketed.
6. Water is essential to effect fertilization as male reproductive units are flagellated and motile.
7. Seed formation never takes place in living pteridophytes.
8. An embryo develops in situ after fertilization and the sporophyte remains attached to the gametophyte till the development of root.
9. Plants show clear alternation of generations. The sporophyte and gametophyte are independent of each other.

Pteridophytes are also called as

  1. Phanerogams

  2. Crytogams

  3. Vascular cryptogams

  4. Embryophytes

Correct Option: C

Pteridophytes or Pteridophyta are vascular plants meaning that they contain vascular systems for the transport of water and food material.These vascular systems are xylem and phloem. They reproduce bt spores. They are flowerless and seedless plants and hence they are also called as vascular cryptogams. 

Ferns fall under the category of

  1. Thallophytes

  2. Bryophytes

  3. Pteridophytes

  4. Mesophytes

Correct Option: C

Pteridophytes are vascular plants which have leaves (known as fronds), roots and sometimes true stems, and tree ferns have full trunks. For example, ferns, horsetails and clubmosses. Fronds in the largest species of ferns can reach some six meters in length. Many ferns from tropical rain forests are epiphytes, which means they only grow on other plant species. Their water comes from the damp air or from rainfall running down branches and tree trunks. There are also some purely aquatic ferns such as water fern or water velvet (Salvinia molesta) and mosquito ferns (Azolla species). 

Therefore, the correct answer is option C.

What happens to motile spore after it ejects from sporophytes in pteridophyte plants?

  1. It germinates to become another spore forming a fern plant

  2.  It germinates to become a prothallus

  3. It joins with another spore to become a seedling

  4. It encysts and devours by snail-like organisms

Correct Option: B

Pteridophytes are seedless ferns. They use sexual and asexual mode of reproduction. Spores produced by pteridophytes that help in sexual reproduction. These spores are carried long distances for pollination by abiotic factors like wind, water, etc. Once the spore reaches its destination, it releases the male gametes into the female reproductive system and merges with the female gamete. After successful divisions, it germinates to become prothallus, i.e, the young ones of pteridophytes. So, the correct answer is option B.

Which of the following division of kingdom plantae and sub-kingdom cryptogamae can reproduce sexually by formation of gametes.

  1. Thallophyta

  2. Bryophyta

  3. Pteridophyta

  4. All of above

Correct Option: C

Pteridophyta is the only division of sub-kingdom cryptogamae that can reproduce both, sexually by formation of spores as well as sexually by formation of gametes.

What is the mode of reproduction in Pteridophyta?

  1. Asexually by spores

  2. Sexually by formation of gametes

  3. Both A and B

  4. None of above

Correct Option: C

Pteridophyta are multicellular, autotrophic plants, they can reproduce asexually as well as sexually. They reproduce asexually by formation of spores and sexually by the formation of gametes.