Tag: physical properties of metals and non-metals

Questions Related to physical properties of metals and non-metals

Four metals $P$, $Q$, $R$ and $S$ react with water as given below:
I. $P$ reacts with cold water
II. $Q$ reacts with hot water
III. $R$ reacts with steam
IV. Red hot $S$ reacts with steam.
Then, highly reactive metal is:

  1. $P$

  2. $Q$

  3. $R$

  4. $S$

Correct Option: A

The highly reactive metal is $P$ as it reacts with cold water. This is because, the reaction with cold water requires lowest energy of activation.

Select the object from the following which can shine (have lusture) _____________

  1. glass bowl and wooden bowls

  2. towel and toys

  3. shirts and scarfs

  4. ornaments and brass utensils

Correct Option: D

1) ornaments and brass utensils both are made up of metals.

2) Metals are lustrous because of the free electrons they have.

3) The free electrons can move freely in the metal causing any light incident on them to get reflected back.

4) This reflection is specular reflection rather than diffused and thus the metal surface appears shiny or lustrous.

Metallic radii of some transition elements are given below. Which of these elements will have the highest density?
Element                    $Fe$     $CO$       $Ni$     $Cu$ 
Metallic radii/pm     126     125     125    128

  1. same 

  2. $Ni$

  3. $Co$

  4. $Cu$

Correct Option: D

Which one of the following four metals would be displaced from the solution of its salt by other three metals?

  1. Mg

  2. Ag

  3. Zn

  4. Cu

Correct Option: B

Ag metal would be displaced from the solution of its salt by Mg, Zn or Cu metals.

Among the given metals, the standard reduction potential for the half reaction $\displaystyle Ag^+ + e^- \rightarrow Ag$ is maximum.

Hence, among the given metals (ions),  $\displaystyle Ag^+ $ ion has maximum strength as oxidising agent. Hence, $\displaystyle Ag^+$ ion gains an electron and other metals loses electron.

Read the following statements and answer as true or false.
The presence of carbon in pig iron makes it brittle.

  1. True

  2. False

Correct Option: A

 Pig iron has a very high carbon content, typically 3.8–4.7%, along with silica and other constituents of dross, which makes it very brittle, and not useful directly as a material except for limited applications.

Which of the following is not correct observation based on Ellingham diagram?

  1. A metal can reduce the oxide of other metal which lies above it in Ellingham diagram

  2. $CO$ is more effective than $C$ as reducing agent below $170^{o}C$

  3. $\Delta G^{o}$ metal oxide is higher than of $CO _{2}$ hence oxidation of metal sulphides to oxides is not favourable

  4. Need for conversion of metal sulphide to metal oxide before reduction can be explained thermodynamically

Correct Option: A

As moving down of bottom of diagram metals becomes more reactive oxides will be hard to reduce.A given metal can reduce the oxides of other metal which lies above it in Ellingham diagram.

Which of the following are properties of non-metals?

  1. Lustre

  2. Can form alloys

  3. Amorphous

  4. Non-conductive towards electricity

Correct Option: C,D

The properties of non-metals are:

  1. They are amorphous in nature.
  2. They are not malleable and ductile.
  3. They are poor conductors of heat and electricity.
  4. They do not form alloys.

All non-metals are solids or gases, except bromine which is liquid non-metal at room temperature.

  1. True

  2. False

Correct Option: A

Compare metals and non-metals with particular emphasis on solubility:

  1. Both dissolve in solvent

  2. None of them dissolve in solvent

  3. Metal dissolve while non-metal do not dissolve in solvent

  4. Non-metal dissolve while metal do not dissolve in solvent

Correct Option: D
MetalsThey do not dissolve in solvents except by chemical action. Non-metalsThey dissolve in solvents and can be re-obtained by evaporation. Example: sulphur in carbon disulphide.

Non-metal that has a metallic lustre and sublimes on heating is : 

  1. chlorine

  2. bromine

  3. oxygen

  4. iodine

Correct Option: D

Iodine is an intensely colored solid with an almost metallic luster. This solid is relatively volatile and it sublimes when heated to form a violet-colored gas.