Tag: indus valley civilization

Questions Related to indus valley civilization

The first cultivated crop of maize (corn) was found in ____________.

  1. China

  2. Iraq

  3. Mexico

  4. Ethiopia

  5. Venezuela

Correct Option: C

Not all early humans adopted agriculture. The Aborigines of Australia continued to hunt and gather even though they were exposed to farming.
They probably chose to continue this lifestyle because ______________________________.

  1. They were too primitive to utilize new farming methods

  2. The ecologically diverse regions of Australia provided all their needs

  3. The traditional plants such as wheat and barley would not grow in Australia's dry climate

  4. They did not have domesticated animals to help harvest crops

  5. They did not have large enough communities to sustain agriculture

Correct Option: E

The Aborigines of Australia continued to hunt and gather even though they were exposed to farming because agricultural activities required a huge workforce and they did not have large enough communities to sustain it.

Mesopotamia produced successful early civilizations due to its ___________________.

  1. Substantial supplies of oil

  2. Large and powerful armies

  3. Economic equality

  4. Effective use of water sources

  5. Surplus of workers

Correct Option: D

Mesopotamia was the first in the history of civilization to build irrigational works to control water. It helped the people of the civilization from floods and and provided them with the needed sanitation.

Papyrus was invented by the _____.

  1. Egyptians

  2. Olmecs

  3. Sumerians

  4. Peruvians

  5. Native Americans

Correct Option: A

The word paper comes from the ancient Egyptian writing material called papyrus, which was woven from papyrus plants. Papyrus was produced as early as 3000 BCE in Egypt, and in ancient Greece and Rome.

As a result of religious beliefs, the Shang people tended to revere _________________.

  1. A single deity

  2. Women

  3. Ancestors

  4. Animals

  5. Natural forces

Correct Option: C

Shang dynasty believed in Polytheism i.e. belief in many gods. Ancestor worship was also a very important part of their lives as it was thought that the well being of the people and the success of the crops depended on the happiness of the dead ancestors.

Characteristics of the earliest agricultural revolution include all of the following EXCEPT ____________________.

  1. The slash and burn system

  2. Equal division of labor between men and women

  3. Weather resistant seeds

  4. Girding, or killing off weeds

  5. Constant movement to new soil

Correct Option: B

While during the hunting-gathering stage the Humans had to equally work to gain food resources for consumption, the introduction to agriculture changed the society from egalitarian to unequal in terms of gender role. Agriculture meant less efforts to search and hunt for food sources and this led to women being limited to taking care of the family instead of working in the fields.

Which of the following BEST describes early India?

  1. It was geographically homogenous

  2. It contained few natural resources

  3. It was culturally diverse

  4. Travel was impossible in the sub-continent

  5. It was located in an area not conducive for any type of trade route

Correct Option: A

Historians label Mesopotamia as a patriarchal society because ______________________.

  1. Monogamy was valued

  2. Women worked outside the home

  3. Women were almost always subject to the will of men

  4. Women were allowed to divorce in some circumstances

  5. Polygamy was practiced

Correct Option: A

Monogamy is the act of getting married to one person at a time. According to a law in "the code of Hammurabi", a Babylonian code of law of ancient Mesopotamia, if a man's wife is caught cheating on her husband, the husband is allowed to tie her and throw her into the water.

When the Gods created Mankind, Shamash responded, death for Mankind they allotted; life they retained in their own keeping.
The above excerpt from the Epic of Gilgamesh reveals one perception of gods during the Mesopotamian Era.
According to the excerpt, most people during this time believed.

  1. Human beings would become god-like in the afterlife

  2. Immortality was reserved for the gods

  3. Gilgamesh was the god of immortality

  4. They could go to heaven if they pleased the gods

  5. There was no afterlife

Correct Option: A
  • The Epic of Gilgamesh is an epic poem from ancient Mesopotamia that is often regarded as the earliest surviving great work of literature and the second oldest religious text, after the Pyramid Texts.
  • According to the excerpt from it, most people during this time believed that human beings would become god-like in the afterlife.

Sumerians developed all of the following EXCEPT _______________.

  1. Writing

  2. A solar calendar

  3. The wheel

  4. An irrigation system

  5. A lunar calendar

Correct Option: B

Egyptians seemed to have developed the first solar calendar.